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45 min.
Drama, Comedy
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11.6% (1:9)
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  1. TheMaxPlus's avatar


    one of the best series about school , love stuff ever , fucking love this series , im trying to not cry but some episodes are so emotional and really touch my heart 5 years 4 months ago
  2. Siskoid's avatar


    When the call went out that Ncudi Gatwa was going be the next Doctor Who, someone like me has little choice but to check out the BAFTA-winning series he was on to get a feel for the actor. Sex Education was in fact so good, I chugged through all three seasons in no time at all. The premise elaborated in the first season reminds me of Veronica Mars, but instead of a teenage sleuth, we have a teenage sex therapist in Otis, and a formula where each lesson he imparts on his school mates is really something he ought to learn himself. By the third season, we're simply following all the characters, whether the students of the "sex school", their parents or their teachers. This is a show about sex, body and gender positivity - acknowledging that many teenagers are going to have sex, even if it seems exaggerated here for comic effect - and that it's important to get the correct information so they can protect themselves, do away with the shame associated with various situations (including, hey, just NOT wanting to have sex), and debunking dangerous myths (and even the adults need help on occasion). Though all the actors ARE adults, some might find the level of initial nudity (which drops way off after the initial installments) and frank sex talk (does not drop off) off-putting given the characters are adolescents, but I think that teenagers who are becoming sexually aware could do a lot worse than be exposed to this show. It's funny, it's poignant, it's honest, and it's full of teachable moments. Great, great soundtrack too. And Ncuti Gatwa? I think he's gonna be a fun Doctor.

    Sex Education's fourth season has the cast moving on from the discredited "Sex School", most ending up in a humorously absurd progressive school where Otis has to contend with a rival for his sex therapy service. Lively new characters are introduced, though the older cast remains front and center. After all, what is Sex Education without the central (and quite beautiful) friendship between Eric and Otis? I think we care more about this relationship than Otis' with Maeve. Eric's particular subplot explores something we seldom see - the particular heartache of gay Christians - and has an enigmatic strangeness to it. Big comedy guest stars are also brought into the ancillary cast, like Dan Levy, Hannah Gadsby and Elizabeth Berrington as the world's worst funeral celebrant. Though the show doesn't always contain its saccharine instincts, I think we do want to see these characters get their uplifting endings, and it definitely delivers on that with a poignant final season. Goodbye Moordale...
    8 months 1 week ago
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