BFI's 360 Classic Feature Films Project's comments

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Comments 1 - 9 of 9

timmy_501's avatar


I'd like to see the tacky first sentence of the description removed, it doesn't fit in with the rest of the description and it isn't necessary. I'd also like to see a proper link under source, as it is it actually links back to itself.
12 years ago
Shazaaaam's avatar


Surprising how hostile that BFI rationale is to the AFI, especially given some heavy overlap with their own US picks.
12 years 2 months ago
Kasparius's avatar


I didn't write any of it Mont, I lifted it from the BFI website.
10 years 5 months ago
Knaldskalle's avatar


Is there any official web site/book for this?
I can only find user-made lists throughout the web like this:

I guess Plae kao (1979)/The Scar is the wrong movie. It appears to be listed as The Scar (1978) and there are many other wrong dates on that list (you can also see that from the list order, like Metropolis listed as 1925, etc.)

So it looks like it's really Kieslowski's Blizna (1976)/The Scar.

The source for this list is a book, "360 film classics from the National Film and Television Archive" by Nick James from 1998 (WorldCat no. 39259278) - originally compiled in 1982.

I wrote and asked a librarian at the MoMA library, which holds a copy, about the title "The Scar". I received this reply:
the listing, on p. 24 reads:

1978. Prae Kow (The Scar). Cherd Songsri

so it appears to be the correct movie.
9 years 5 months ago
Kasparius's avatar


You should email the guys at ICM, I can't edit the list myself.
10 years 5 months ago
Melvelet's avatar


Is there any official web site/book for this?
I can only find user-made lists throughout the web like this:

I guess Plae kao (1979)/The Scar is the wrong movie. It appears to be listed as The Scar (1978) and there are many other wrong dates on that list (you can also see that from the list order, like Metropolis listed as 1925, etc.)

So it looks like it's really Kieslowski's Blizna (1976)/The Scar.
10 years 5 months ago
Kasparius's avatar


Yeah but the key thing, is that they have other countries in their list.
12 years 2 months ago
Alias's avatar


I like the feist of this list.
11 years 9 months ago
monty's avatar


@kas: Hahaha, yeah, why should you want to edit something you wrote yourself, especially considering that it's so well put?
10 years 5 months ago
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