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Comments 1 - 15 of 109

Timec's avatar


hirv - You've missed something. The most important thing being that what's obscure to you isn't going to be obscure to everyone - many of the films on this are widely acknowledged classics, while others are popular "cult classics."

Yes, it could be that people just like to "favorite" obscure films - it's more likely that most people don't really care whether a movie is obscure or not and just like what they like. A lot of films have been made in the 120 year history of film - a good majority outside of the US - it shouldn't be surprising that some of those films, including some great ones, might fall under our radars. Lists like this and Jonathan Rosenbaum's help to correct that a little by showing some of those "overlooked" films. Of course, one won't like all of the films on such a list - but there's a good chance you'll at least find some you really like.

Which brings me to my next point:

"I havn't even heard of most of these movies before."

Which is what should make the list exciting. The point of lists shouldn't be to validate your current taste ("Yes! 89 of my top 100 are on the list - that means I'm officially sophisticated!"); rather, they should help introduce you to movies you wouldn't have otherwise known about or watched and thus help expand your horizons just a little bit by helping you realize that there's a huge world of quality cinema that falls beyond the range of the IMDb and AFI lists.
12 years 10 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Someone finally put together an icheck Most Disliked movie list!


Same method as this list, but with dislikes instead of likes.
11 years ago
Alias's avatar


This might just be the best list on the site.
13 years 3 months ago
astronate's avatar


i like the low requirement, it allows for more esoteric stuff to enter. i've discovered a ton of stuff on this list. i guess there are more popular things starting to creep in but the top 10 has stayed pretty exciting.
13 years 1 month ago
MrCarmady's avatar


Compared to lists like imdb top250, most of the titles on the list are obscure. I agree that it's good because it favours lesser known films.
14 years 2 months ago
Dimitris Psachos Springer's avatar

Dimitris Psachos Springer

One of the most original Official lists around these parts. No fucking kidding. Haters gonna hate and they're going to prefer safe cine-picks.
7 years 5 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Top 250 not sufficient? mjf314 used the same method to calculate the top *5000* icheck movies.


A Clockwork Orange #373
2001: A Space Odyssey #532
Goodfellas #578
Vertigo #685
Apocalypse Now #856
Star Wars #1577
11 years 5 months ago
mjf314's avatar


The list-favorite-percentage is actually not my own idea. Someone suggested it a few months ago and I thought it sounded interesting, so now I'm testing the idea to see if it works well at predicting someone's favorite lists.

If they add a feature to the website that allows us to sort lists by favorite-percentage, it could be a quick way to find good personal lists that fit our taste.
12 years ago
Maplestrip's avatar


This is probably my favorite list on this website. It is extremely diverse with a focus on genre films and non-English features that would all appeal to specific audiences, and because of that I always feel like there's a new gem to discover here. The movies I've watched from this list have all been really special, and some of my favorite movies of all time are in here.

I'm excited to continue going through this list; thank you so much for having this type of list as an Official entry!
1 year ago
TravisBailey's avatar


What is the current formula? fav/(check+75)?
It does not say anything in the FAQ.
5 years 6 months ago
wilyhawk's avatar


I suggest that dislikes count against the favorites, so instead of just:
ratio(M) = F(M) ÷ (C(M) + 50)

I instead suggest:
ratio(M) = (F(M) - D(M)) ÷ (C(M) + 50)
9 months 1 week ago
MMDan's avatar


So every time I check a movie in this list without favoriting it, does that lower its rank?
8 years 9 months ago
mightysparks's avatar


I was waiting for you to hit me with stats. Top 250 and Most Checked are expected since I was a frisky puppy when I started the Top 250. And I do like the cult lists.

Even with a spreadsheet, it's still weird.
12 years ago
mjf314's avatar


@mightysparks: It seems your ratios are a bit different... Most Favorite 29%, IMDb 44%, TSPDT 27%, and Most Checked 40%. You also have a pretty good ratio for the two cult lists (32% each).

And yes, I do have a spreadsheet that calculates this for me, before you ask. :)
12 years ago
Rohit's avatar


Also, although the percentage of favorites is more for this list as compared to IMDb or TSPDT, the number of movies are comparatively falling short. What I'm coming at is that the number does not seem to be surpassing in the coming future when I watch as many movies as the other two.
12 years ago

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