The Criterion Collection's comments

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Comments 1 - 15 of 67

John Milton's avatar

John Milton

I was thinking 'now why does it take forever to get this bronze award...'... I watched more then 50 Criterions in the past 6 months, but the number of films for the award didn't diminish accordingly...

Then I realised, Criterion is churning out films like a factory, so even when I will finally get that coveted award, I'll have to 'work' to keep it :-)
10 years 8 months ago
ReVision's avatar


Finishing this list would be my Magnum opus!

More then 800 Criterion movies can be watched on Hulu Plus.
10 years 8 months ago
tob's avatar


Shouldn't all the Bergman films from the new box set be on here?
5 years 4 months ago
DrPuppykicker's avatar


This list is missing the films from the Agnes Varda and Wong-Kar Wai boxsets.
1 year 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


Why only ~3 animated movies out of almost 1200 titles?? wtf... A really disappointing bias.
5 years 2 months ago
St. Gloede's avatar

St. Gloede

Respect to Criterion for finally making Welt am Draht an official check!
12 years 6 months ago
arsee's avatar


Please remove 'Underneath' from the list. It is an extra on a bonus disk. It's not a part of the Criterion Collection.
10 years 3 months ago
Melvelet's avatar


Will we now get 25 Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman movies? xD
10 years 9 months ago
wetwillies's avatar


no, he's wrong. the Pierre Etaix movies are mainline releases, not an Eclipse set. they are on the right list.
11 years 4 months ago
Knaldskalle's avatar


Fortunately, it's not my call, but that of The Guys.

Criterion has previously included full length feature films as extras on their releases (the Stagecoach set for instance includes Bucking Broadway) and it's not unreasonable to expect such an extra to be included on the list - but it does open a whole can of what to include and what not to include in the realm of extras (what about third party documentaries that had their own theatrical release, for instance? Or TV-documentaries?). So I'm a bit of a purist in that area, advocating "main title(s) only".

Also, since this is an international site, it's pretty darn hard for non-US residents to watch some of these extras (legally), making the list even harder to complete.
12 years ago
Knaldskalle's avatar


"The Last Performance" and "Broadway" are extras on the disc. If extras were included the list would be a lot longer than it already is.
12 years ago
Knaldskalle's avatar


It's not simple.

The Criterion Collection has a number of releases which contain more than one IMDb entry, either a collection of short films (e.g. the Painleve or Brakhage anthologies) or the occasional release of several movies under one "spine number" (eg. the Ningen no Joken trilogy).

To further confuse matters, Criterion Collection themselves sometimes (but not always) assign a spine number to the box containing the releases, so for instance Kieslowski's "Three Colors" trilogy covers spine numbers 587, 588, 589 and 590, with the "Box" having spine number 587. These obviously don't have a corresponding IMDb entry.
12 years 1 month ago
Knaldskalle's avatar


Hulu Plus is only accessible inside the US and it's a pay site. That excludes a good chunk of the rest of the world.

Secondly, the Criterion Collection doesn't list any of the "Hulu Plus only" titles on its own website as being Criterion Collection titles. i.e. they are not official releases (yet).

Criterion on Hulu Plus also includes Essential Art House titles, Eclipse Series titles and Ivory Merchant titles, not only Criterion Collection titles.

And what order would you list them in? We've only just had the list reordered in order of release (spine number).

FWIW, the Eclipse Series will get its own list here on iCM at some point.
12 years 11 months ago
fogver's avatar


Is the general rule for lists to divide Anthology releases in individual clips? To be specific, why is the "Beastie Boys Video Anthology" DVD listed as individual clips and the Anthology itself not included in this list?
8 months 2 weeks ago
jackripper's avatar


The list is missing two films from the Essential Fellini boxset: Il bidone (1955) and Intervista (1987),
1 year 8 months ago

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