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Comments 1 - 15 of 33

Jhonny's avatar


Definitely one of the best sequels ever. Before sunrise is like a romantic dream with an open ending. This movie is about becoming realistic again with an even beter ending!

A must see!
13 years 9 months ago
dopzihon's avatar


Baby, you are gonna miss that plane.
13 years ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


A lovely sequel.
10 years 1 month ago
camilocabrera22's avatar


Like it very much. It took the story of the first film to a whole new level.
11 years 11 months ago
Timec's avatar


afan - One more thought: Unless you're going around to the comments section of almost every film on this site and saying they "should also be on the fantasy list" and a "bit far-fetched" and "has anyone ever had an experience remotely close to this?", then, well, you're being inconsistent. Because, though obviously certain specific elements aren't likely to occur in real life, this film contains fewer fantastic elements than about 99.7% of the movies out there.

As for "even remotely similar experiences" - No, I've never met someone on a train, shared a day with them, and then met them again nine years later (though I don't find the idea of someone forming a long-lasting friendship on one of those long train rides particularly outrageous) - but I have formed quick and intense connections with people (including once while I was on a tour of Jerusalem), and have had long, seemingly rambling conversations with them. And even when, in some cases, I lost contact with those people for a while, after meeting them again years later we were still able to "re-connect" quite easily.
12 years 9 months ago
vishnu's avatar


loved Before Sunrise more, but this one is quiet an irresistible sequel... a must watch!!
Julie Delpy & Ethan Hawk... their onscreen chemistry is lovely!!

double thumps up!!
12 years 10 months ago
dioni's avatar


My gosh I love this movie. So unlike those Hollywood crap with stupid airport chasing (no offense, I do need some doze of Hollywood crap too every now and then).
12 years 11 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


It's in Before Sunset, made 9 years later, that you realize just how well those characters WERE drawn. Jesse and CĂ©line meet up again in Paris for another "timed visit", perhaps to pick up where they left off. Again, my memory of the film was that of sparkling conversation, but once more it's the romantic elements that struck me. More than a progressing document about a couple (and actors) at a different place in their lives, the film also addresses how that night 9 years ago affected them profoundly. And it ends as ambiguously as the Sunrise, but maybe more satisfyingly.
8 years 8 months ago
Robbimich's avatar


Those final 10 minutes made Before Sunset go from good to great. The whole apartment scene was so stuck in my brain that I had to watch it again the day after. The magic was still there.
8 years 9 months ago
Elica's avatar


really good, well made. im surprised that i enjoyed watching it even though it was pretty much just talk. i feel a connection to so many things (probably one of the movie's "tricks") and it even made me realise what i may wanna work for. so, well done!
12 years ago
Alias's avatar


I loved Before Sunrise so much at twenty that I am going to wait to see this until I am thirty myself.
12 years 6 months ago
Atsjonas's avatar


Gash, what is it with this and Before Sunrise and the endings.. I crave for more!!!
13 years 8 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Even if you don't like his films (which I can understand, but as a movie buff I cannot comprehend), Richard Linklater has an impeccable taste in music.
10 years 11 months ago
hannark's avatar


Took me a little longer to warm up, but when I did I realized I enjoyed far more than the first.
12 years 6 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I think I liked it better than the first movie. It's very short and flies by but it fits because the entire film takes place in real time. It's incredibly filmed and laid out in that way. Taking these two movies as a whole it's amazing how they portray the chemistry between the two characters with regards to the scriptwork. Neither movie has a long period of time to work with and so the dialog is crafted in such a way to very slowly and gently build to a believable conclusion. Great care was taken. spoiler
6 months 1 week ago

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