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Counterbalence's avatar


I didn't see this movie until I was well into my twenties, and of course I'd seen it parodied a million times by then, I'd heard people talk and talk about what a great movie it was. But this is one of those movies that live up to the hype. Even though pop culture had taught me everything there was to know about this movie, I was still moved by it, I was still impressed. I understand why it's such a classic. Masterful movie.
11 years 1 month ago
mrjellow's avatar


Such an amazing script! Absolutely lives up to the hype.
10 years 2 months ago
mi-16evil's avatar


I proposed to my fiancee during this film. So yeah I love it a lot.
13 years 2 months ago
Tiago Costa's avatar

Tiago Costa

Bogey as Rick a bar owner in Casablanca who bumps into an old flame and the sparks fly in this all-time classic tale of true love. Awesome juggler. The monkey from The Hangover 2's grandmonkey. Back shot. Refugee roundup. Goofy Nazis. The doorman at Rick's has a badass hat. Cheerio? The first time you see Bogey. Sneaky Paul Lorre. Sam sure can sing. Flirtatious bartender. True Democrat? Ze Plane! Ze Plane! Real motherfuckers speak clearly with a cigarette in their mouth. Fashion nightmare mustaches. Cash in. Check out. Mr. Neutrality. Symbolic ring. The Forbidden Song. Casablanca is the story of a love triangle and the first time Rick, Iisa, and Victor are together they appear to be standing in a triangle. Broken watch. Sam is the motherfucker and should've been nominated for Best Supporting Actor. Here's looking at your fine ass Ms. Bergman. No questions romance. Fuckin' World War is a bitch. Champagne toast. Great dental work. Dear Richard note. Bogey's eyes. Victor ain't no snitch. Pimpin' pickpocket. Lucky bet. Jolly Carl. Joyful singing. Cafe shutdown. Sometimes the truth really does hurt like a motherfucker. Idle threat. Romantic kissy kissy. The shit we do for love or to win a bet. Bogey trickeration. Does anyone hold a handgun more badass than Bogey? I wish I had memories of Paris. The Captain's finest hour. Beautiful amigos. Casablanca is Hollywood pure cinematic gold. Bogey is perfect. The supporting cast is amazing especially Claude Rains as the Captain and Dooley Wilson as Sam. Zero is wasted. Every scene counts. I can't find a flaw. About as perfect as a film can get.
8 years 4 months ago
stexdo's avatar


Fantastic! All the cast gives an amazing performance and the movie holds up even after all the hype that certainly reached you way before seeing it. Bogart was born to play Rick Blaine.
10 years 2 months ago
musicguyguy's avatar


Fascinating intrigue by main character. The movie has you anxiously waiting to see what he'll do next--is he as self-serving as he claims or does he actually have a heart?
The romance is fairly entertaining, but never the focus of the film. Neither actor is all that... easy on the camera lens; we care more about what they're thinking and what their true intentions are.
Casablanca is the brilliantly-told discovery of a man as he is torn between the woman he loves and something that is, perhaps, greater than he.

On a side note, the accents in this film are complete ear candy.
12 years 4 months ago
Oriana's avatar


We'll always have Paris.
12 years 11 months ago
1001challenge's avatar


Absolutely brilliant film no quells or complaints. Simply Hollywood at its most golden and Michael Curtiz at his finest.
1 year 8 months ago
Tmeleaaa's avatar


Wonderful script, wonderful acting, and classic.
7 years 10 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Like many people I had glanced over this film dozens of times in best movie lists and it took me forever to finally watch it. I'm biased because Bogart is my favorite actor but it truly is an enchanting love story with an ending that I think isn't very happy (fairly rare in Hollywood, let's be honest.) There are many emotional tones that can resonate with a variety of people so for me personally I can identify with Bogart's character on that sad, tortured level. That's probably a reason for its success. It's hard to believe when this was released it was just another movie, decades have turned it into the beloved classic it is now.
8 years 4 months ago
coffeejazzlofi's avatar


8 years 8 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Now HERE'S a film that's entirely deserving of its reputation. On the first viewing, what struck me was the crisp dialog, so quotable a lot of it has already passed into the American lexicon. Reviewing through it again, it's the visual story telling that grabbed me, a play of shadows and light, perfect compositions, and meaningful camera moves and angles. Oh and of course, there's the tragic love story set against an exotic backdrop that heralded an Allied victory over Axis forces long before anyone knew WWII could be won. Both Bogart and Bergman offer layered performances, and the latter couldn't be more beautifully shot, though Claude Rains' perfect comic timing as the collaborator Captain Louis Renault is one of my personal highlights, as is the German-French "battle of the bands". This is the kind of film that you don't have to have seen to know all its beats because it's become part of popular culture, but it still managed to surprise me, and it somehow gets better with each successive viewing. I've got "As Time Goes By" stuck in my head in a loop.
8 years 11 months ago
Flops's avatar


All the characters in this film are so freakin smooth when they talk. I like that. It totally works for this movie. So many famous quotable lines. The only movie with more is The Wizard of Oz.
11 years 10 months ago
hanseco's avatar


Great movie, what can I say.
12 years 9 months ago
danisanna's avatar


Simply legendary. Just wow.
7 years 6 months ago

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