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Comments 1 - 15 of 23

roco_1791's avatar


Being mexican, I was worried the representation of Mexican culture would be too stereotypical. Turns out, this movie nails it perfectly. What a stunningly beautiful movie, both artistically and story-wise. This is right up there with the best Pixar movies.
6 years 7 months ago
frankqb's avatar


An absolute delight from start to finish. The humour is great, the visuals are absolutely spectacular and the warmth is real. Another Pixar triumph. Highly recommended for families.

5 stars out of 5
6 years 5 months ago
nowhereman136's avatar


Exceeded all expectations. Pixar may have had a few missteps in recent years but movies like "Coco" prove they are still top of the game in animation
6 years 6 months ago
demagogo's avatar


fuck this shit i got legit sad by the end
6 years 5 months ago
radoslav1948's avatar


For me personally - the most purifying Pixar movie so far. It gives a whole new direction towards various existential interpretations and retells the most ancient story from the book in a colorful and sensitive way. Nowadays we can rarely find real shades of emotional intelligence in a mainstream production. This movie is full with them.
6 years 3 months ago
bklooney's avatar


This film taught me that predictable plot twists don't matter if the plot is exceptionally executed.
5 years 11 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Pixar's new tearjerker Coco is beautiful to look at, and from what all my friends of Mexican extraction tell me, very true to the culture. It's all about Miguel, a boy born in a family that hates music for ancestral reasons, who really wants to be a musician (and yet, it's not quite a musical; the song and dance numbers are simply part of the story). When he defies them, he gets into a bit of trouble and finds himself in the spectacular Land of the Dead and of the Many Gags That Can Be Done with Skeletons, where he must get a family member's blessing... but will it cost him a life of music? Coco doesn't pull punches, as it deals with death and loss honestly despite its fantastical trappings - even non-religious audience members will recognize the link between memory and existence - and by the end, if not by the middle, will probably wrench tears out of your eyes. Plus, some very fun Mexican celebrities make appearances on the other side.
6 years 5 months ago
Paravail's avatar


A good redemption for Pixar after its recent run of mediocre films. This film did a superb job of balancing culture attunity with universal themes. I'm not Mexican and know little about Mexican culture, but the world did feel very authentic, even if I couldn't explain why. The themes of family and forgiveness were very strong, and I'll admit I got choked up a little bit at the end. It does have a familiar "follow your heart" theme, but it plays around with expectations just enough to make things interesting. It certainly presents a "disneyfied" version of Mexico, but I'm not so sure that's a bad thing.
6 years 2 months ago
SalomeLlanos's avatar


6 years 6 months ago
Typically Thomas's avatar

Typically Thomas

I can't say this beautiful movie touched me to the point of crying, but I got a burning sensation in my eyes towards the end. An amazing movie that beautifully shows off Mexican culture, and manages to be interesting for all ages spoiler
5 years 7 months ago
Gecekurdu's avatar


I wondered if they inspired by the legendary adventure video game Grim Fandango.
6 years 1 month ago
accidie's avatar


By the end, I was sobbing so hard I had to pause it. This movie exceeded my expectations. Great message.spoiler
5 years 3 months ago
TheOnlyRogueAngel's avatar


Feel good, sweet family movie, with a tear-jerking end. Gorgeous visuals, great story and the cultural lessons were fascinating.
6 years 1 month ago
InTheSky's avatar


omg i cried
6 years 3 months ago
Paulorsadv's avatar


I have 80 years old mother, so in the end I cry a lot, for me that's unexpected.
2 years 5 months ago

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