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Comments 1 - 15 of 34

voltesque's avatar


I think what director Wolfgang Petersen successfully achieved the most was making the audience feel as if they were on the boat themselves. Even just by looking at the actors in a confined space, I felt like I was experiencing claustrophobia. It's not just a war epic, there are moments in the film that moves the audience in a profound way: spoiler, those moments make you empathize the characters even more. Highly recommend others to watch the director's cut, it does the movie justice.
11 years 1 month ago
kathulu's avatar


i don't understand what people mean by boring - i can't take my eyes away from it! it's incredibly exciting, both in its action sequences and in the quiet moments! the music is so eerie too.
13 years 2 months ago
vishnu's avatar


saw the director's cut... it was lengthy... but it was EPIC!
12 years 6 months ago
Paper_Okami's avatar


One of the greatest films I have ever seen. Nearly perfect in every way.
13 years 9 months ago
BadSmile's avatar


Watching this movie feels more like an event than just watching a movie. Watched the 5 hour TV version, absolutely fantastic.
12 years 9 months ago
Typically Thomas's avatar

Typically Thomas

This film does tension extremely well, and dares to portray German soldiers as humans instead of faceless cannon fodder or inhuman monsters. Very, very powerful film that I would recommend to anyone
6 years 10 months ago
daisyaday's avatar


There are several versions of this film: the original Theatrical Cut, which is the shortest of all versions. A lot of footage is missing in the Theatrical Cut. Another version is the Director's Cut which was made later. The DC contains a lot of the scenes that were removed in the Theatrical Cut. Last but not least, there's the so-called German TV-Version which was made during the production for TV and is devided into six episodes. With a total running time of almost 5 hrs. the TV-Version is the longest version of all. It's also THE version of the film, not only for fans, because this version is the only one which is absolutely complete. In the meantime, the TV Version was also released on DVD, but the episodes were added to one complete film
12 years 6 months ago
Ezio's avatar


What an outstanding movie... it is very intense, so the long playing time does not change the thrill and authenticity of the movie. Both, the action and quiet scenes are enjoyable. Besides, Klaus Doldinger did an amazing job with the music.
12 years 9 months ago
locovoco's avatar


Subtitles? Who needed subtitles? I couldn't understand half of what was being said in English anyway...but it didn't matter... what mattered were the moments without words, the silence, the pauses, the looks on faces, that building of tension, the waiting...the waiting....for that.....BOOM! Thrilling (not boring)- That was the universal language being spoken here....overall this movie was not my cup of tea but I'll give credit where credit is due-this was one fantastic piece of film making...

And as a side note: think of what Cameron had to work with in 1997 when Titanic was made compared to what Peterson had to work with in 1981 when making Das Boot in regards to computer generated special effects...I'll take Dis Boat over Dat Boat anyday!
8 years 4 months ago
papp's avatar


Just saw the uncut version of 293 minutes. Didn't feel long or slow at all. Added to the suspense.
11 years 6 months ago
keivhendet's avatar


Amazing. I expected another testosterone war movie, but this is so, so much more.
Perfect in every possible way, and as someone wrote, "more like an event than just a movie".
4 years 2 months ago
catherinefrances's avatar


Damn. That got me good.
4 years 6 months ago
danisanna's avatar


Extremely intense!
5 years 10 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


There are so many things I love about the movie it's hard to know where to start. There's no way this movie would have the effect it does if it were in English. There is something truly magical about U-boat movies in German, it just clicks on all cylinders. It's super gritty too, perhaps as gritty a movie as I've ever seen. There are times when you can almost smell the sweat, engine oil, or human excrement in the air as if you are stuck on the same boat.

Do yourself a huge favor and read a couple books of U-boat accounts (Iron Coffins and Steel boat, Iron hearts) after you watch it, then watch it again. It's stunning how real and gripping it will make the movie.
7 years 3 months ago
Fluegi's avatar


I've just seen the director's cut version. Every minute pulled me more and more into a corner of the submarine.
9 years ago

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