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Comments 1 - 15 of 79

IreneAdler's avatar


I got to say I really liked this movie. The story had a nice pace to it, the actors were great and some scenes were just hilarious. It was gripping and great fun at the same time.

Christoph Waltz was absolutely amazing in his role, so funny and original - a really well-deserved Oscar. Samuel L. Jackson was incredibly odious - just like Leo DiCaprio. Wonderful cast, nice ideas, good action. Cool!
10 years 7 months ago
safeeuropeanhome's avatar


Good but not great movie, people get carried away because it's Tarantino. I really enjoyed the first 2 hours or so but then, instead of building towards what could have been a brilliant climax it loses all impetus and becomes very cliched and predictable for the last 40 minutes or so. Some brilliant performances, particularly from Di Caprio , Jackson and Waltz all the same. All being said probably my 3rd favourite QT film after Inglourious Basterds and Pulp Fiction. Enjoyable and definitely worth a watch, but no masterpiece.
10 years 11 months ago
sammysin's avatar


Waltz did a magic job here, amazing.

Some of the most visceral and wince inducing action scenes I can remember watching. The end shoot outs were jaw dropping.

The running time flew by and I really recommend it for a easy and fun watch.
11 years ago
dpanter's avatar


Brilliant. Tarantino excels at his craft, making entertaining movies.
Highly recommended.
11 years 2 months ago
Joker of Gotham's avatar

Joker of Gotham

For me the biggest surprise in the movie was seeing Jonah hill, but of course was in a funny role. I think that this movie will not win the oscar for best movie, but I think that Christoph Waltz has a good shot to win best suporting actor, he did a fantastic job, Samuel L. Jackson was great in his role like Jamie Foxx and Leonardo DiCaprio. This is a great movie but not my favourite western movie or my favourite Tarantino movie
11 years 4 months ago
Cimeries's avatar


Probably not Tarantino's best, but a ridiculously entertaining film nevertheless. It never felt too long for a second of its run time to me.
11 years 5 months ago
marcus_yo's avatar


To greenhorg: The state of South Carolina declared its secession on December 20, 1860, which led to the creation of the Confederacy, and could be considered the beginning of the Civil War, so technically, Tarantino is right.
10 years 3 months ago
CoffinDancr's avatar


I enjoyed it, but it is the first Tarantino movie that I never want to watch again.
10 years 7 months ago
aniforprez's avatar


this movie sucked, was boring as shit, slept in the theatre....

nah i'm just kidding. loved the heck out of this movie. great dialogue, acting, writing and directing. fun and hilarious ride though i was a little disappointed when spoiler
11 years 2 months ago
meysam_a's avatar


Really loved it!!!
DiCaprio, Waltz, Foxx and S.L.Jackson were all great!

and Best Part:
Dr. King Schultz: "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist!" spoiler
11 years 2 months ago
Emiel's avatar


Great performance of Christoph Waltz. Astonishing dialogues interspersed with funny, bloody, and brutal scenes. One of Tarantino's masterpieces.
11 years 4 months ago
neocowboy's avatar


Quentin, that may pass for an Aussie accent in the US but not down here. Thanks for the entertaining evening though.
11 years 4 months ago
SLionsCricket's avatar


Django Unchained is the most fun movie I saw in 2012. It was filled with amazing acting, great story, awesome characters, superb script as usual from Tarantino and awesome direction. Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L Jackson absolutely stole the movie in this film and Jamie Foxx was superb as well!
11 years 4 months ago
dombrewer's avatar


I thought it was great - recognisably a Tarantino product with great performances, especially Christoph Waltz who is amazing (again) as the erudite but ruthless bounty hunter Schultz, Samuel L Jackson's cunning "house slave" Stephen and suitably heroic Jamie Foxx in the title role. There's a typically quirky run of great cameos from actors like Bruce Dern, Don Johnson and, wittily, Franco Nero. It's extremely bloody and has a fantastic soundtrack (of course), and although not quite a deliriously silly and well paced as "Inglourious Basterds" IMO, it mostly works very well as a modern meta-Western. The Klu Klux Klan "bag head" argument scene in particular is sheer comic genius.
My only criticism is a rather underwhelming, long, central section of the film where Django and Schultz take on Calvin Candie - played far too sympathetically by a miscast DiCaprio. I rate DiCaprio, and he is good here, but Waltz is so good he dominates their scenes. I'd have liked a truly vile performance to balance it out with someone who'd make your skin crawl (think a younger Christopher Walken, or Gary Oldman, even poor lost Heath Ledger: I think he could have done something interesting with it) - even with rotten teeth Leonardo's too pretty. Also the fun of the film drains away at "Candieland" and it becomes quite an unpleasant watch at times, but finds its feet again for the final showdown. I can't understand some of the flak QT has been getting in the States - Racism? Hardly. If anything Spike Lee's comments in particular look like sour grapes. He's never made a film as technically ingenious or entertaining, not to mention one so cleverly satirical about racial politics. Nice one Quentin.
11 years 4 months ago
thaisquisito's avatar


I loved this film soo much!!! Leo, Jamie, Waltz everybody's so brilliant! The fight scenes were amazing and so was the story! And the soundtrack is the best ever! Can't recommend this enough!!! Masterpiece!
11 years 4 months ago

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