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Comments 1 - 15 of 49

Gib's avatar


makes apocalypse now seem like a date movie
11 years 8 months ago
beehivespirit's avatar


jesus christ
10 years 8 months ago
Alfredo Garcia's avatar

Alfredo Garcia

"This is war as Hollywood could never portray it"
13 years ago
IanWass's avatar


That boy gives one of the best eye-acting performances I've seen since Falconetti in "The Passion of Joan of Arc."
10 years 10 months ago
SameRulesApply's avatar


This is a film of overpowering despair that leaves its mark on you long after it is over. The devastating transformation of the once fresh-faced main character over such a short time is horrifying, with the many close-ups of his tragic-stricken face exhibiting the absolute destruction of his soul. The outstanding use of Steadicam is unwavering as it propels you into this hellish landscape and never looks back.
10 years 8 months ago
Torgo's avatar


The ultimate war movie and certainly one of the best of all time.
12 years 2 months ago
VChile's avatar


You'll probably only see this once, but you should see it. Belies the old adage that anti-war films are difficult to make because war is inherently exciting.
10 years 8 months ago
Forrester's avatar


One of the most powerful (war) movies I've ever seen. The last 30/40 minutes contains some of the best war scenes I've ever seen. When the film ended, I was in tears because of the horrors I just witnessed. It's like the film grabs you by the throat and never lets you go until the very end. Just thinking back of some scenes in this film already makes me teary-eyed. For me, that's the sign of a fantastic film.
11 years 10 months ago
scronkey's avatar


Well? Damn.
That was something else.

A finely crafted film that contains more than first impressions let on.
11 years 9 months ago
Torgo's avatar


It delights me to see this movie back in the Top 250. :) It's been a while since the last time.
12 years 2 months ago
jacktrewin's avatar


the most powerful war film i've seen - and war is one of my very favourite genres. the boy is just so committed to his role it is one of the great acting performances ever. not to mention the camera work and use of sound
11 years 12 months ago
yamyam's avatar


Incredible and philosophical movie. Love and destruction.[SPOILERS AHEAD] It's very hard too see the quick transformation of the main character (Florya Gaishun) throught the arid warcamp, to testify the destruction of his soul gradually, and to see his innocence and love draining out from his veins. And the last scene, after seeing Glasha returning with blood between her legs and with a whistle , i knew that i would never want to see this movie again. Not because it was strong and cruel and violent, but essentially because i didn't wanted to see Glasha and Florya in the woods, with such joy and kind of happiness between one another, knowing the irreversible facts that would come ahead in their future. The filmmake turn this movie so realistic, so close and visceral, that your mind quickly explore the possibilities of closures.
Before the lacrimosa of Mozart starts, Florya shoots in the timeline itself, as if for each bullet he was erasing year after year, but when he realized that he couldn't kill the innocent baby Hitler, he notice that the most terryfing thing in life is the irreversibility of the destruction itself, and make the watchers reflect about humankind and their positions in this world. Great film about the core of war, unforgettable and hauting.
7 years 4 months ago
V012's avatar


Horrifyingly brilliant, a masterpiece of war cinema
This film is able to capture the fresh and bright youth that transcends misery in its opportunistic ways then grasps the sentimentality of the desolation and destruction of their innocence, yet leaves a scar on the future mystifying it with a haze of uncertainty. Marvelous direction, attacks the viewer with a spear to the heart. The last scenes are the perfect way to end the entire voyage of mental anguish that the kid has endured.
11 years 2 months ago
verdikt's avatar


I've been completing a lot of the Top 250 movies and whilst most of them have been quite spectacular, this deserves an honorary mention. I'd rather ask people to watch this and Apocalypse Now rather than Saving Private Ryan (which is a good film too) and that trash Pearl Harbor.
12 years ago
ozgungenc's avatar


The most realistic war film and a great work of cinema.
13 years 4 months ago

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