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Public Enemy's avatar

Public Enemy

I really liked it but I have to somewhat agree with Shaunage. If this came out in America, it would have surely won a bunch of Oscars and then tons of people here would say it sucks because it's fully of cliches and unoriginal ideas.
11 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


I've never seen a movie before where an obnoxious, free-spirited black guy gives an uptight white guy a few lessons in loosening up and enjoying life. Where do these French people come up with these crazy ideas?
12 years 1 month ago
DerekFME's avatar


Thoroughly engaging, never gets boring and makes you feel so happy. Wonderful.
12 years 3 months ago
Scratch47's avatar


A delightful, simple, and moving film about friendship that will stay with you. Wonderful performances. That's all there is to it, and you owe it to yourself to see it. :)
12 years 3 months ago
arrbrr's avatar


10 years 8 months ago
Filmsthemostbeautifulart's avatar


The Intouchables has broken all the box office records in France and Europe recently and is attracting a lot of audience. Being a fan of French cinema, I decided to be a part of this experience. The Intouchables, based on a true story, tells the tale of a handicap millionaire named Philippe played really brilliantly by Francois Cluzet who appoints Driss (Played by Omar Sy), a broke ex-con, to be his caretaker. Because both of them have somewhat same kind of nature, they develop a deep friendship.

I have to say first that the performances were very impressive. Each and every actor was natural in their roles. For example: Driss is supposed to very funny which he is, very much. Even the opening scene was great! Millionaire is shown as a tried old man who's bored of his own luxuries and he appoints Driss just because he sees himself in him: a young exuberant yet a wasted man. Secondly, the relation between the both, their friendship, is the whole point of the film. It was good I guess, I just thought that there were some aspects of it that I had already seen in other films , the same cliches that appear again. But just like I said, the performances were great. So the acting made their friendship more energetic and realistic. Thirdly, it was quite hilarious. One scene where both the leads exchange their taste in music was one of the best. Although there wasn't anything new in it, but their love for each other matters the most in this film. Lastly, the plot is quite simple, no twist or turns. It's a simple but great tale of friendship, in which both the characters learn something from one another and so do we...

Though The Intouchables doesn't show us anything new, it's entertaining and a new addition in the French cinema that I would love to discover and rediscover. Highly Recommended.

11 years 9 months ago
TheOnlyRogueAngel's avatar


Heart-warming, funny story about a black ex-con, who takes up the challenge of caring for a rich, white paraplegic. The funny parts are funny, the chemistry is palpable and the story as a whole is designed to be a feel good, happy-ending tale. As someone who takes movies for what they are, instead of comparing them to everything else, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
8 years ago
ansver's avatar


Enjoyable and a pleasant movie. I liked it.
11 years 5 months ago
Elica's avatar


Truly amazing, I loved every part of it. Deep movie with laughter in it. The ending was just so beautiful along with the music.

I will definitely recommend this movie to others!
11 years 6 months ago
nick-samuel's avatar


Thoroughly enjoyable film but not convinced the humor necessarily translated that well. I would probably describe the central relationship as somewhere between Scent of a Woman and the episodes of Curb your Enthusiasm with "Leon Black". Textbook opposites attract with warm French, feel good outcome.
10 years 9 months ago
ReVision's avatar


That was amazing! Very funny and entertaining but most of all it was very beautiful!
11 years 5 months ago
faisalmoon2's avatar


Just Remarkable, I can't stop laughing Omar's performance was THE best as well François Cluzet.
7 years 5 months ago
jseingaldt's avatar


Really enjoyed this movie. It's been a long time since I laughed so much watching a movie.
11 years ago
luherzog's avatar


Absolutely amazing! I laughed and cried a lot
11 years 1 month ago
jamesmcavoy's avatar


Oh, this was just amazing. Absolutely perfect film which sometimes had me laughing outloud to myself and sometimes made me want to cry, but mostly just made me feel warm inside. And the ending gave me chills because it was so beautiful. I really, truly loved this and I'm kinda mad at myself for waiting so long to see it.
11 years 3 months ago

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