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Man, it's going to be hard for any other 2016 movie to beat this. While the core concept isn't super original in Japanese anime and Manga, it's played so fresh and exciting in this film. As with all of Makoto Shinkai's films it's incredibly beautiful in themes and visually stunning. Also like his other films, it deals with long distance relationships, memories, and love and connection that can't be stopped by great distances. A really incredible film.
7 years 7 months ago
Princess_Of_Snails's avatar


I'll be the first to say that this is one of the best animated movies I've ever seen. *MINOR SPOILER ALERT!* The first half starts off by appearing to be just your basic cute, funny drama/slice of life anime with the 2 main characters inexplicably switching bodies with each other. (A pretty overdone, basic concept.) But, then there's a twist halfway through the film that makes you go "Oh! So, that's why this has been happening!" And, from then on you are shown more and more of how brilliant this movie is. I honestly didn't want this movie to end. I wanted it to keep going. I highly recommend this film.
7 years 8 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Makoto Shinkai (5 cm per Second) does it again with Your Name, another gorgeous anime about love across great distances, this time with the intriguing premise that the two teenage leads are body swapping across space-time, literally, if I may use the Western term here, soul mates. The small town girl dreaming of the big city, and the city boy haunted by the ghost of a girl he has never actually met, their situation rife with both comic and tragic possibilities, but hopeful opportunities as well in the greater scheme of the universe. Despite advertising the Japanese, subtitled version, our local theater nevertheless showed the English dub. It's good, but since the director worked intimately with RADWIMPS on the score and soundtrack, and these were replaced as well, I think it may be worth checking out in the original language sooner than later.
7 years 1 month ago
eumer's avatar


Not bad, but I expected more for a top 3 animation movie... so I actually got dissapointed..
6 years 4 months ago
Cynicus Rex's avatar

Cynicus Rex

Definitely worth your time and a cinema ticket. Preferably two.
7 years 4 months ago
AyaChible's avatar


watching this movie is one of the most amazing experiences i ever had.
5 years 9 months ago
Falkhorn's avatar


Amazing animation and a charming story about young love.
6 years 3 months ago
DebsEllen's avatar


SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL. I have no words to describe this movie. I was not expecting to be that emotional while watching, but it happened. Hope the manga is as good as the film!
6 years 3 months ago
Groovy09's avatar


Better than most Hollywood romances out there. Beautiful, heart warming and dead on brilliant!
6 years 5 months ago
Boei's avatar


The animation is amazing. But the story is childish and very cringy. The progression is quite weird, spoiler. Furthermore a lot of moments feel quite old fashioned and sexist.

And what's up with the English version of the music, low tier pop/punk rock with a singer singing out of tune.
8 months ago
Fluegi's avatar


The look is stunning and the tempo of this movie is perfect, even though it has left me at one point.
4 years 6 months ago
Duke of Omnium's avatar

Duke of Omnium

I'm not an anime fan, but this one works. The use of anime (vice live action) allows the story to become mystical and dreamlike without tons of CGI. The sudden tonal shift at the midpoint of the film is like a punch in the gut (that's a compliment). Maybe just a little too long, and a little too ambiguous in the last act.
5 years ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Beautiful animation and whilst I enjoyed where the story went, I felt that it could/should have gone much deeper.

Enjoyable but not a masterpiece.
6 years 3 months ago
marumar's avatar


I've always loved Makoto Shinkai's work and Your Name is a fantastic entry to his catalog. Like most of his films, it's concerned with the ways in which people stay connected across great distances and through great barriers, as well as the powers those connections hold. Where 5cm Per Second explored the ways we might reach out to someone from our past and fail to meet them, Your Name explores that same melancholic notion via dreams; we experience such deep feelings as we sleep only to find upon waking the feelings, faces, and experiences of our dream fall away from us before we can grasp them. spoiler. I can't wait to see what Shinkai does next.
6 years 8 months ago
andype's avatar


Not one of the 250 top movies, there are a lot of movies more worth to be on this list.
6 years 3 months ago

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