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111 min.
Bill Forsyth
Drama, Comedy
Rating *
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7.0% (1:14)
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Top comments

  1. epicureanlotus's avatar


    Populated by quirky yet somehow believable characters, and filled with so many brilliant details and moments, Local Hero is a truly delightful film. In particular, I must say that Burt Lancaster's eccentric head-in-the-clouds oil CEO (or perhaps "head-in-the-stars" would be more fitting) positively steals every scene he's in.

    Sure, there's nothing really special about the film in terms of its technical execution, but the writing and characters are so good that you never notice that and are just happy to be along for the ride. And even when the film's plot makes the occasional predictable turn, it manages to do so in a way that never feels stale or forced but instead simply timeless and inevitable.

    Being a fan of Dire Straits but not being familiar with the soundtrack, after reading the other comments here I honestly expected to notice the music a lot more. Like the rest of Local Hero, however, the score was subtle and unobtrusive—a perfect accompaniment for the quaint Scottish seaside, leaving plenty of space for the world of the film to breathe.

    In the end, I have to agree with much of Roger Ebert's review: "What makes this material really work is the low-key approach of the writer-director, Bill Forsyth, who has the patience to let his characters gradually reveal themselves to the camera. He never hurries, and as a result, Local Hero never drags: nothing is more absorbing than human personalities, developed with love and humor. Some of the payoffs in this film are sly and subtle, and others generate big laughs. Forsyth's big scenes are his little ones."
    3 years 10 months ago
  2. slang589's avatar


    I was introduced to the soundtrack long before the film. I love Mark Knopfler. 12 years 8 months ago
  3. aussieflickfan's avatar


    This film and 'Waking Ned Devine' have something in common. Both are about small towns and people in them. Sometimes you want films to show you a world that is less like the one you live in and more like the one you want it to be - this is one of them. 13 years 7 months ago
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