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111 min.
David Cronenberg
Drama, Comedy
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4.0% (1:25)
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  1. fonz's avatar


    After forty years, David Cronenberg finally shoots a movie in the United States. A perfect choice seeing as how this country is obsessed with superficiality, drugs, celebrities and social media. I can't make up my mind on the acting, as I don't have faith in the script. I understand what's being shown and said but I just don't care, or rather I found the same themes better depicted elsewhere. The beginning and end titles really tie the whole thing together and as much as I want to get further into the deeper meaning of the film, I find myself wondering "what is the point?" 9 years 1 month ago
  2. LydiaM's avatar


    celebrities, they're just like us! 9 years 6 months ago
  3. Siskoid's avatar


    Cronenberg's Maps to the Stars has made many pine for the days when he was doing squishy horror flicks, but if a constipated Julianne Moore farting on toilet isn't Cronen-squish enough for you... I still recognize the Cronenberg of old in his most recent films, is what I'm saying, and Maps may not be Existenz, but it's definitely up the block from his Crash. But also Magnolia and Mulholland Drive (two places probably on that "map"), with interweaving stories set in the grimy Hollywood underbelly, not to be a satire of that world, necessarily, but as a setting that pushes the theme to extremes. The title is well chosen. This is about people seeking celebrity, and by extension, recognition. Being it, dealing with it, merely being close to it... and like children and animals that crave attention, it doesn't need to be the positive kind. Part of that obsession "to become" manifests as an Oedipal or Elektric need to replace one's parent, and the dissatisfaction of the child who "becomes" an adult in turn with what the parent has given. And in this ugly world of discontent, the parent-child relationship is one of use and abuse. And stellar cast, of course. Cronenberg fans might want another Videodrome, but I think his mature films are more ambiguous and deep. 8 years 3 months ago
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