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137 min.
Noah Baumbach
Drama, Romance, Comedy
Rating *
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9.6% (1:10)
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  1. Fastkit's avatar


    The Apartment scene was incredibly acted 4 years 5 months ago
  2. Michael12's avatar


    Very good movie and incredibly well acted. Obviously Driver and Scar Jo are fantastic, but what stands out even more to me are the supporting performances. Ray Liotta and Alan Alda were great and fun to watch. Yes the final argument between Driver and Johansson was incredible, but the part of the film revolving around Driver and the social worker is something I’ll never forget. Honestly, I don’t think it’s the best movie this year, but the performances are worth all the praise. 4 years 4 months ago
  3. Siskoid's avatar


    With Marriage Story, Noah Baumbach wears his inspirations on his sleeve. Not only do the characters sing parts of Sondheim's Company (my favorite musical), but there's an article about Nicole and Charlie (Scarjo and Adam Driver) called Scenes from a Marriage, an overt reference to Ingmar Bergman's film. Both pieces are about the complexity of marriage, and the latter tracks a marital breakdown. As does THIS movie, which could have been called Divorce Story except no one would have wanted to watch it. At the heart of this breakdown are, I think, so well-chosen professions for the leads. Charlie is a director, a control freak, a man with a vision who has created his own world and doesn't see the need to disrupt it. Nicole is an actress, mutable, out of control, crafting a new non-married identity that seems unrecognizable to her husband. You might think, wow, this must be a sad film, and yes, it definitely has crushing moments of poignancy. But it's also pretty funny at times, darkly so when the divorce lawyers are on screen. The whole process is shown to be toxic and absurd, and makes bad people out of good, loving parents. But for all that, it's not a satire; it's all just more complicated than that, and the actors of course carry it well. I will say it's rather strange to watch a Baumbach movie that leaves New York for L.A., but it's thematically resonant for the writer-director to be as alienated as his lead character is. 4 years 5 months ago
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