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86 min.
Abbas Kiarostami
Drama, Documentary
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8.1% (1:12)
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  1. Shingwauk's avatar


    I have read through several reviews on different sites and I am truly amazed that no one has even mentioned that not one female is in this documentary. It portrays itself about education but maybe only education for boys. 3 years 8 months ago
  2. xianjiro's avatar


    This was recently released as a supplement to Criterion's "The Koker Trilogy" boxset and is on the disc 'Where Is the Friend's House." While the version on disc is about 10 minutes shorter than the runtime listed here, some of that might be to format conversion or restoration - hard to say, but the film felt pretty complete.

    Quite an interesting watch, but not really for the boys telling about their experiences with homework, their teacher(s), parents, and siblings. After all, how many times does it take to get the idea the parents are illiterate, the kids subject to slaps and beatings, and few know what encouragement is, but that's a pretty big word/concept for this age group.

    What is really interesting is the glimpses into Iranian society only a decade after the revolution and during the Iran-Iraq War: we get some glimpses of religious indoctrination in action, we hear of what probably is abuse, we see some gestures not familiar to most Westerners, we're told of systemic issues that they needed to overcome. This is what I found fascinating about the movie.

    Otherwise, pretty simple premise and fairly simple execution though I don't mean that as an insult in anyway. These are just interviews of young boys standing in front of a wall - it's skillful for what it is, but it isn't great cinematography, But it is a decent example of how to make a movie on a budget about a given topic, especially when you're not really sure what it's going to be about. (Pay attention during the initial street scene for that.)

    Last, I sure hope the first parent who spoke survived the film's release and airing unscathed! Not sure how well his critique of the educational system would have been viewed in a society not known for progressiveness. Would also be really interesting to know how things have changed and if most adults can now read an write. That certainly would be useful progress.
    4 years 7 months ago
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