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Comments 1 - 15 of 28

Peeorpoo's avatar


This movie has the greatest ending line.
10 years 10 months ago
Qwertyfla's avatar


Well, nobody's perfect.
14 years 9 months ago
bitchypixels's avatar


A comedy that withstands the sands of time. There is truly nothing better.
11 years 8 months ago
tr35's avatar


Quirky and fun, not to mention Marilyn Monroe is a goddess.
12 years 10 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Some Like It Hot stars Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Munroe in a cross-dressing farce that's a hoot and a half. It's very full narrative, with Prohibition era gangsters looking to kill two musicians who must therefore join an all-girl band to hide out. Both initially fall for Munroe's ditzy vamp, though only Curtis manages to entice her as a man, conning her into believing he's a yachting millionaire who needs her special brand of Viagra, while Lemmon must settle for an actual millionaire who's fallen for his/her gams... This is now an iconic film for the LGBT community, isn't it? It ought to be! Having been made in 1959, you'd think its gender politics would be just shy of black face, but not at all. The men respect their new genders (despite acting like lascivious teenagers) and the sapphic/homoerotic shenanigans are treated as harmless whimsy, not something to be disgusted by. The same can be said for the less-than-honest seduction scenes and the gangland killing. A very funny script by director Billy Wilder that had me chuckling frequently.
8 years 10 months ago
canaan's avatar


I went into this movie wondering how a man in womans clothing could be rated so highly. It started out strongly an there were a lot of laughs, and I am glad that it moved past the simple gags of the train and moved to a more interesting and somewhat serious plotline. Having never seen Monroe in a full movie, I understand her appeal now. Like so many of the 'top films' it was impressive to see so many progressive topics in a movie still officially under the banner of the hays code.
5 years 4 months ago
hirv's avatar


Normaly I totally dislike "guys acting girls"-movies like White chicks... But this one was really good!!!! Final punch line - Among the most funniest things I've heard!!!!!!
12 years 6 months ago
phoenixrising's avatar


How can anyone dislike this? One of my favourite comedies ever.
12 years 10 months ago
frankqb's avatar


It's refreshing to watch a comedy that doesn't speak down to nor beneath its audience. Here is a film filled to the bursting brim with witty one-liners and double-entendres. There is nearly nothing to criticize about this film save for a mediocre plot resolution (that was really just the means to its comedic ends anyhow).

Jack Lemmon is delightful in his role as his screen counterpart tends to forget that he's only playing a woman. Tony Curtis' methods of wooing the divine Marilyn Monroe are hysterical at worst.

Yes, one must allow for the passing of time to appreciate some of the jokes which to a modern audience may seem stale and outdated, but I can only imagine the fits of laughter this film caused in its original theatrical run. Stitches indeed.

The funniest film ever? Quite possibly.
12 years 11 months ago
DistoRPD's avatar


Good actors, good acting, really good movie!
9 years 12 months ago
danisanna's avatar


It's lighthearted, fun and hilarious. Defo worth a watch :)
10 years 1 month ago
Joker of Gotham's avatar

Joker of Gotham

It´s hard to believe how ridiculous funny this movie is. This movie is one of the funniest comedies that I´ve ever seen.
This movie is a legit comedy, it made me laugh a lot.
The two main actors: fantastic, Marilyn Monroe: amazing.
This movie is from 1959, if it was in the present I don´t think that it would be so funny, but I still can enjoy it and have a great time with the movie.
10 years 3 months ago
rainy's avatar


This movie reminds me of me and my grandpa drinking beer and talking about it... It's a fantastic comedy, loved it.
11 years 5 months ago
samfenn's avatar


'Suppose the stock market crashes?'
12 years 5 months ago
coral_ck's avatar


Only Billy Wilder is awesome enough to give the most memorable line in a movie to a minor character and still have it make perfect sense!
12 years 11 months ago

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