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Banned User's avatar

Banned User

Wish I was this cool when I was 12
13 years 9 months ago
tin can's avatar

tin can

Lovely bittersweet piece of nostalgia.
12 years 6 months ago
mayshake's avatar


'Alright, alright, Mickey's a mouse, Donald's a duck, Pluto's a dog. What's Goofy?'
13 years 3 months ago
Cadeicus's avatar


8 years 3 months ago
Vega's avatar


A really good movie about friendship.
14 years 6 months ago
vmunda's avatar


make you feel nostalgic .
11 years 1 month ago
eumer's avatar


Brilliant but sad life story
12 years 6 months ago
elizabethyates's avatar


One of the very few films I can watch at any given moment and still laugh, cry, and enjoy as much as I did the first time seeing it. Forever an absolute favorite.
10 years 11 months ago
Windill's avatar


Beautiful movie in which a grown-up remembers his 12-year-old summer adventure with his 3 best friends.
3 years 4 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Hadn't seen Stand By Me in ages, but I haven't forgotten just how influential it was at the time. There's no doubt in my mind that it spawned The Wonder Years, and of course, most of its young stars went on to memorable things - Wil Wheaton (who didn't grow up to look like Richard Dreyfuss), tragic River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Slider-in-chief Jerry O'Connell, and here a teenage Kiefer Sutherland. But it's not anchored in the time it was made. It's a universal coming of age film with a so strong a nostalgic streak, the boys' adventure manages to evoke Vietnam despite taking place before it (this is where I learned about leeches, and unrelatedly, the dangers of pie eating contests) as part of its theme of mortality. You'd think 12-year-olds wouldn't be thinking about death, but I think that's where the present-day author comes in, imbuing the tale (in a postmodern way) with that tone, as much as the events themselves. After all, these are boys who go searching for the dead body of a missing kid, the protagonist instinctually drawn to it by the death of his own brother. Death is in fact prevalent in Stephen King's tale, whether it's the death of people, eras, friendships, or innocence. Powerful, memorable, thoughtful, touching... just a great film.
3 years 7 months ago
SweetVanillaFreshness's avatar


Gave me the same feeling that Stephen King books give, went to the Wikipedia page and it is an adaption of Stephen King book. Who knew?
7 years 10 months ago
phoenixrising's avatar


I really enjoyed this, though I don't really know if it deserves to be in the top 250
12 years 11 months ago
devanshu257's avatar


Feeling Nostalgic (8.5/10)

Stand by me , Directed by Rob reiner is a story about four friends embark on a search of the lost kid in town.

It is one of the feel good movies that you embrace everytime you think of this film. It is coming-of-age story that anyone who is once adolescent will never forget. The best part is the believable acting, the narrative & storytelling.

The chemistry & personality of the characters are so real that anyone can relate to & they are kind of people that really exist in our society. You can also find yourself in them.

It give us the message of friendship & how sometime friends are the most important thing in our childhood that will guide us in difficult times when we can't share something with our parents & how friends see the real you & motivate us to do better in life. The journey the friends have gone through in this film show us how little things can bring happiness in our life & the experience we can go by travelling alone with our friends made us mature by exploring the nature around us & how the same town where we live is now a small town for us as like friends in the movie sees the bewildness of the forest/world .

This movie is a deep dive into everyone's childhood nostalgia & a great movie to experience to feel hopeful & positive in life.
9 months ago
tapiridae's avatar


Well, not a big fan of coming of ages picture, but this was a pretty good one.

Would have been a FAR better movie without the simply ridiculous confrontation near the end.
10 years 6 months ago
johnrobinsonn's avatar


Some of the acting was a bit ropey from the three kids that weren't River Phoenix but still a great movie that could easily have been about half an hour longer.
12 years 1 month ago

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