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Comments 1 - 15 of 39

nadasj's avatar


I'm heart broken , not that the movie is sad or anything .. but because they don't make such glamours beautiful movies any more .. such a delight happy-wise <3
10 years 10 months ago
Amy Adams's avatar

Amy Adams

What a perfect film. It really is a shame they don't make movies like this anymore.
10 years 2 months ago
Scratch47's avatar


Terrific...I'm commenting and the movie isn't even over yet. Dances the high wire between light and dark effortlessly and leaves you feeling both of those.
13 years 8 months ago
corchap's avatar


Seamless movie- absolute perfection. Billy Wilder made such classics that I am not at all surprised.

Hays Code was replaced with the rating system in 1968 and it was because of directors like Wilder who kept pushing the button, coming close to censorship. But the success of such films could not be denied-- prompting the rating system rather than all out censorship.
9 years 3 months ago
tcfaria's avatar


I was told that this was the most overrated of Billy Wilder's movies. Jesus Christ, he was so wrong!
This movie is great, the purposely-over-the-top acting from Lemmon is just perfect. And how adorable was Shirley MacLaine when she was young?
11 years 2 months ago
DonkeysRAliens's avatar


One of my favourites, emotional without being saccharine and with a dark bittersweet tone that adds up to a wonderful movie
14 years 8 months ago
filmyjo's avatar


Wow.. The movie never ceased to anaze me. Scene after scene.. It's clever, witty and funny. Loved the script, plot, twists and the heartwarming romance. Bravo!!
8 years 11 months ago
mabu mabu's avatar

mabu mabu

Lovely movie..comedy-wise :)
11 years 7 months ago
cassandraann's avatar


I identified greatly not just with Jack Lemmon's character, but also Shirley MacLaine's. I like that this film doesn't quite fit the label of a roaring comedy or a poignant drama. Though some people may find it to be too dark (I didn't), the story was enjoyable and I don't think it could of been executed any better than it was.

When it comes down it it, at the end I was left with a warm fuzzy feeling, and that alone makes it a good movie.
11 years 11 months ago
brian_fuller's avatar


I'd forgotten how long Wilder can leave a shot without cutting. The performances, the lighting, and the composition maintain audience interest without seeming to try. A lesser director would have opted for the easy dissolve away from the spoiler scene, long before moviegoers felt the emotional wrench. From the vantage point of 2015, The Apartment feels like Mad Men written by Aaron Sorkin.
9 years 2 months ago
Angellike's avatar


Jack Lemmon is such a likable, witty and fantastic actor. The dialogue and the way the characters evolve along with the amount of fleshing out of the plot, amazing. Really liked him in Some like it hot as well, I'm happy he got the chance at a full-fledged main character.

10 years 7 months ago
cobweb's avatar


The dialogues are so great!

That's the way it crumbles, cookiewise.
6 years 8 months ago
BigAwesomeBLT's avatar


I've always loved Some Like It Hot and it looks like this is from the exact same era Wilder (I was not a fan of Double Indemnity). Really fun, all the comedy with just the right amount of real feels.

I think it must have something to do Jack Lemmon also, because he can give a sincere performance whilst also having flashes of comedy and even slapstick (and the odd reminder that Lemmon was the inspiration for Gil Gunderson in The Simpsons).

I like seeing how uptight everything was in the early 60's, given how the 60's is often portrayed in film. Although how much of this is to do with film censorship I don't know.

I'll definitely be adding this to my "fun black and white films" list.
9 years 1 month ago
PolarCow's avatar


One of my all time favourites...
9 years 7 months ago
Joker of Gotham's avatar

Joker of Gotham

Billy Wilder and Jack Lemmon did it again. Not so funny as Some like it Hot, but is a more moving story with a more likeable lead character.
9 years 7 months ago

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