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Comments 1 - 15 of 37

seithscott's avatar


A masterpiece war movie. Not only shows how war changes the people that go, but the changes in their friends and their community. That affect would not have been possible without the opening sequence and the wedding. That's how you set up the characters and it's so funny how people today will sit through an hour and a half of crap and call it OK, yet three hours is a bit much for a masterpiece. I say you watch more three hour masterpieces and appreciate them for what they are and less hour and a half crap-fests, maybe the studios will actually make decent movies again.
13 years 2 months ago
Fluegi's avatar


Two very abrupt cuts. It feels like the mid-part wasn't real.
9 years 3 months ago
Dieguito's avatar


A war movie with only one small battle scene, all the rest is how war affects people's life and mind. Real DARK! Brilliant movie
12 years 11 months ago
Alliha's avatar


As several has already stated: the wedding seemed quite slow...
But I loved that, you feel like you really get to know the characters and the movie feels like a long journey. I also love this effect in books.
13 years 9 months ago
jml897's avatar


I guess this is one of those classics that I just didn't "get". Parts of it seemed unnecessarily slow to me (the wedding for example).
14 years 3 months ago
Brantastic16's avatar


Robert DeNiro, Meryl Streep and Christopher Walken = One of the best movie casts of all time!
12 years 1 month ago
FreyaMcOmish's avatar


I just finished watching it for the first time and I truly loved it. The characters are just beautiful - Christopher Walken and Robert De Niro A++
14 years ago
shitmovies's avatar


I cant talk about this movie as a whole because its so fragmented. it really needed a better editor and there was too much shit in it that didnt have any purpose. I mean character development is great and all but the first half of the movie is mostly these guys bumping around drunk and singing. You could have taken that and put it into 2 minutes of exposition with no loss.
Finally the movie starts at the 40% mark with the famous russian roulette scene--by this point i'm already checked out but okay lets give this a shot. I dont really feel like i care about steven, this depressing cuckold, which makes it less effective. still pretty cool sequence though. the saigon sequence was also pretty atmospheric and walken drives it home. deniro coming back to town and being out of place has Travis Bickle vibes and is also great.
My other major gripe with the movie besides how slow it is is that theres so much coincidence it feels like deus ex machina. like deniro just HAPPENS to be in the russian roulette club that walken just HAPPENS to get dragged into. and before that the three of them just HAPPENED to meet up in nam. And walken just HAPPENS to survive countless russian roulette games until de niro goes back to get him. It's like come on man.
While there are cool moments, the premise is too paper thin for a 2 hour movie, let alone a 3 hour one.
1 year 9 months ago
Axel Fritzler's avatar

Axel Fritzler

I think I speak for all the Axels across the world when I say

Fucking A.
3 years 4 months ago
Linas's avatar


A great work of art, dare to say The Deer Hunter tops my war movies list, even though the build up was quite slow and there were little to non battle scenes. Character development exceeded my expectations, you couldn't find a better duo than Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken, during their crucial moments the actors faces spoke for themselves. A very moving film, makes you think of all the old friends you have, even without talking to them in a while, reaching out could make a positive effect to their lives.
5 years 1 month ago
Boboxy's avatar


Sometimes it's useless to speak. Just look.
7 years 2 months ago
MetaBull's avatar


I have to admit, growing up with 2000's movies (fast paced action packed movies), this three hour movie stretched my attention span a couple of times. Brilliant none the less, one of the darkest war movies I've seen to date.
7 years 6 months ago
ghillli's avatar


Enjoyed the Fun they had during that marriage and also the Feeling they had during that pistol trigger chance less.
10 years 8 months ago
Fortitudine's avatar


Probably, one of the most moving, disturbing, and important films I have ever had the pleasure of seeing in my entire life.
12 years 4 months ago
san tonio's avatar

san tonio

damn meryl streep was hot
12 years 6 months ago

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