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129 min.
Lana Wachowski, Lilly Wachowski
Action, Sci-Fi
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2.0% (1:50)
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  1. Siskoid's avatar


    The Matrix Revolutions re-evaluated... My opinion really hasn't changed. I still don't get people who like Reloaded better and think this one's the stinker of the bunch. At least it has a STORY to tell to human moments (as opposed to philosophical interludes), and action that seems to matter beyond whether or not they're cool or not. Don't get me wrong, the dialog is often cliched, and aside from Link and Zee, the couples are too busy being badasses to show any of the required chemistry. Oh, and the Kid's intriguing origin in Animatrix never pays off. Swell. Look, a better-balanced Reloaded wouldn't have put us in a position where EVERYTHING has to happen in this one, but there we are. Cue Battle of the Five Armies-length attack on Zion, which is still the big technical achievement given the amount of animation and rendering that had to go into it. It means we're away from the main stars for a long time, and certainly away from the Matrix, and maybe that's why fans were displeased with it. I don't have much of an issue with it, except when time is of the essence and Neo wastes it. But leaving expectations at the door, this is still the better story, and I much prefer the final fight between Neo and Agent Smith here than the multiple Smiths one in Reloaded. It looks gorgeous where the previous one was too much like a video game with its bad CG Neo. The latter makes an appearance again, but is only noticeable for one shot. I felt everything in Reloaded was just a little too long, and I don't get the same feeling with Revolutions, maybe because the set pieces matter, they're not there for their own sake. I was surprised at how much they dropped hints of a 4th chapter... one day... almost 20 years later. 4 years 6 months ago
  2. Earring72's avatar


    Awful ending of a trilogy that should have stopped after the first one. 4 years 2 months ago
  3. Hippiemans's avatar


    The weakest part of the trilogy. 10 years 8 months ago
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