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Comments 1 - 15 of 45

Zeltaebar's avatar


The horror aspect has been severly muted by age and familiarity, but the movie is still impressive as a study of a character's slow decent into madness and as a technical achievment from its maestro director Stanley Kubrick.
10 years 9 months ago
IreneAdler's avatar


Pretty scary and atmospherical. Loved Nicholson's acting and the hotel... the great floors and corridors and the maze outside just added to the creepy feeling... and one of the major appeals of the movie is probably the fact that you're never quite sure what the heck is actually going on. Cool!
9 years 5 months ago
tommodee's avatar


This is one of my all-time favourite films. It is important, however, to note that it took me a few viewings to really appreciate it -- ultimately, I watched it alone, in the dark, and with headphones on. I feel like that is the only way you are going to experience a horror film the way it was supposed to be.
Also, I personally thought it was a lot better than the book. I have only seen the UK release version -- supposedly the US release is slightly more overt in it's paranormal subject matter -- and I found it far more memorable because it wasn't so clear cut what was happening.
10 years 3 months ago
Jashezilla's avatar


Stanley Kubrick has to be one of my favorite directors ever just for how awesome he makes every single shot look. It's like every scene is a freakin' piece of art. The story is amazing too, if not confusing at the end ;). But this roller-coaster ride of a story, mixed with Stanley Kubrick's directing skill, and Jack Nicholson's phenomenal acting makes this one of the best movies I've ever had the pleasure of watching. Didn't like the nudity though.
7 years 7 months ago
JCS's avatar


Still scary with all the suspense...but a rather confusing film with so many meanings/theories...etc.
12 years 4 months ago
Ritadncoelho's avatar


Loved this movie ....its a classic old horror movie, and an must see to the horror movie fan's!
9 years 10 months ago
samjohndavies's avatar


Has to be my favourite film at the moment. Excellent directing and a brilliant story; credit to Stephen King. Kubrick's directing really 'shines' and I feel that this has easily set up most of the psychological clichés in film.

Can be confusing during the mid-section yet by the end it all becomes clear. Brilliant, 9/10.
11 years 5 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Plot summary: Wife and son keep author from finishing his novel.
11 years 10 months ago
Samdurden's avatar


As a movie it was great..but didn't scare me at all..more like a thriller..
12 years 8 months ago
Brantastic16's avatar


"These oldies are such failures." I don't believe I've ever read a sentence that I hated as much as this one.
12 years 9 months ago
Dorothy Valens's avatar

Dorothy Valens

"Gimme the bat Wendy.....I'm not gonna hurt ya, I'm just gonna bash you brains in."
14 years ago
jhhayes's avatar


14 years 4 months ago
peterskb45's avatar


I received a Kubrick box set for Christmas in 2015. I live in the US and the box set is from the UK. The Shining is one of my favorite movies of all time and I just watched the Blu-ray from this box set for the first time. When the movie was finished after barely 2 hours, I thought to myself "I remember this being longer." A quick internet search led me to discover that there is a US and International version of The Shining, and the International version is 25 minutes shorter! No major plot points are missing but the US version has more scenes that flesh out the layout of the Overlook, Jack's history of alcoholism/abuse, and Danny's relationship with Tony. I really missed the absence of the extra Danny/Tony scenes from this viewing. Although Kubrick didn't have a favorite cut, he did say that Europeans were smarter than Americans and would not need the additional scenes to get the background of the story. I must disagree with Mr. Kubrick here. In my opinion, the US version is the superior film and the lack of backstory detracts from the horror of a family being slowly ripped apart.
6 years 2 months ago
oleric88's avatar


Fantastic horror movie
12 years 4 months ago
prasanth's avatar


Jack Nicholson at his best
12 years 5 months ago

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