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baraka92's avatar


That’s what I’m talking about!

I saw Top Gun for the first time, less than 24 hours before Maverick. Didn’t like it and I still managed to get goosebumps (pun intended). It hits all the right marks. Definitely one of the best sequels in recent memory.

You can call the plot predictable but it’s all in the executionspoiler. And the action… well, Tom Cruise is in it, so you know what to expect. Amazing stuff! Do yourself a favor and see it on IMAX.

The 80’s cheese and the propagandistic tone of the original are gone but at the same time (thank God) there’s no cynicism or self-aware approach towards it; aside from a few “Tom is getting old” jokes, I guess. Yes, there are nostalgic beats that are expected in a sequel like this, but they never feel forced. Every callback to the first film serves the story. This is less like The Force Awakens and more like Creed. And in terms of the new, all the actors that play the young pilots are very likeable, even Hangmanspoiler

Above all, the thing that ties the movie together is the theme of the human spirit rising above any effort to tame it ("It's not the plane, it's the pilot"). It’s inspiring and gets you pumped. There's a lot of heart inside the screen and behind it; I believe that's the key. I haven’t left the theatre after a blockbuster feeling this satisfied since Mission: Impossible – Fallout. Cruise is on his own league. Thank you, Sir.

The movie is also an allegory for Cruise's life. Legend; analogue champion; written off as a relic; lots of controversies; does things his own way; "refuses to die" ;spoiler It's all in the scene with Ed Harris.
Going further with this (I know it might be a stretch), I believe Tom is trying to tell us something. Yes, riding planes (inside or outside), hanging from cliffs or the Burj Khalifa is cool, yet it seems he's yearning for something more grounded. Pay attention to all the appereances by Jennifer Connelly's daughter; how Maverick looks at her, overhears her conversations with her mother and what they're about. Just normal-everyday stuff. Also, the moment Rooster tells nobody would mourn him. Is he projecting the rocky relationship with his daughter? As the documentary Tom Cruise: An Eternal Youth points out (watch it on Youtube), it seems that Cruise puts a lot of himself onscreen. More than most would notice. The doc takes a dark tone but just like Maverick, ends up humanizing Cruise and adds another layer to his filmography. The way it frames Eyes Wide Shut, Magnolia, War of the Worlds and the Mission Impossible franchise is very interesting. Even if I'm crazy this movie still rules.
2 years ago
Siskoid's avatar


The original Top Gun was a cheesefest. Iconic, but something easily made fun of. Top Gun: Maverick is something else. It's first, best idea was to focus on a single, difficult (not to say suicide) mission. Yes, it's a mission that's right out of Star Wars, but it gives the movie a direction the original didn't really have. And despite seeing all the training, it still surprises and thrills when it's go time, and leads to as suspenseful and rousing a finale as you're likely to see in an action flick this year. Part of the trick, of course, is how real it all feels thanks to madman Cruise requiring all the cabin shots to be, in fact, real. The actors are in the air, pulling Gs, and if there's CG in this thing (I'm sure they didn't really destroy planes), it becomes impossible to see the difference. Even beyond the stellar action, this is a good-looking movie, purposefully paying tribute to Tony Scott - the anamorphic lens, the perpetual golden hour, sweaty bodies glistening, even the synthy score. It's nostalgia, but well done nostalgia, and in a way, fits the theme of this story about a man who hasn't been able to let go of the past. Maverick is stuck in place and has no upward mobility because of his insubordinate attitude, but emotionally too, having never recovered from the death of Goose. The heart of the picture is his difficult relationship with Goose's son Rooster (Miles Teller) who he is trying to shield, but also holding back. While satisfying on that emotional level (with additional counterpoint by Jennify Connelly as his first age-appropriate love interest in a long time, and Bashir Salahuddin as his ground crew sidekick), the movie is also frequently funny, making fun of Maverick himself as a guy who's really too old to be pulling this kind of crap. Has Cruise finally decided to allow his screen persona to age? This really is the complete entertainment package
2 years ago
Earring72's avatar


Exciting popcorn movie. Really watch this in the cinema. Yes, it's predictable and nostalgic but a LOT of fun and the flying sequences are really great and exciting. Cruise is THE man!!!!!
2 years ago
Shidan's avatar


I was really close to add this one to my favorites, but I have one major issue that dropped my enjoyment.

I really don't like when someone is in a critical situation and they're probably going to die, but when you think there's no hope they're saved by someone or something. In this film this happens at least 4 times:

-When the plane gets on fire and they have to eject in the last second.
-When one of the pilots faints.
-When a helicopter is going to kill Maverick.
-And when Maverick and Rooster have ran out of ammo and they're going to die, in the last moment young "Ice" (I think it was Hangman) save them.

I would delete the second and fourth scenes, because when you see this resource used many times it loses weight and not only that, it also makes the previous moments lose impact too, because now you see it as a normal thing and no longer as a major danger.

I still enjoyed it a lot, I think it's best Hollywood film of the year and personally I liked it more than the first movie.
1 year 8 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Flying High!

I was concerned that this sequel, like most sequels of classics, might hit wide of the mark. Well, I was massively wrong, this movie is great.

Along with the adrenaline pumping, edge of your seat action, the foundation of this movie has heart, and Maverick’s love interest side plot actually feels natural and not cheesy at all. It surpasses the original in every shape and form.

Cruise’s insistence on not having any CGI for the plane shots 100% pays off. Every plane scene is excellent, griping, and visually stunning. You truly feel that you are there with the pilots.

This movie truly highlights why Cruise is one of the greatest movie stars of his generation. You will do yourself a massive disservice if you do not see this movie. This movie is probably going to end up being one of the best action movies of the decade.

The callbacks to the original really feel you with a great sense of nostalgia, especially the opening song and Val’s cameo, especially after recovering from throat cancer. After the opening song the rest of the score works perfectly, really adding to humour or seriousness of the scene.

The only fault I have with this movie is that Maverick’s famous jacket, which contains a prominent Taiwan flag, had the Taiwanese flag removed because of pressure from China. Bowing to Chinese pressure is hardly something Maverick would do.

Overall the time will fly by, you will genuine laugh out loud at scenes, and by griped at the climax. If you can, go see this in an IMAX cinema as the visuals are fantastic.
2 years ago
OMERFT's avatar


That was good.Really really good.
1 year 3 months ago
frankqb's avatar


A visual triumph with a strong-ish story. Too bad it stars a Scientologist. Decent script (if simple) throughout, though it does fall into some pretty hard Hollywood tropes in the third act. Still, great fun.

4.5 stars out of 5
1 year 3 months ago
Ebbywebby's avatar


The scariest terrorists are terrorists wintering in Lake Tahoe.
1 year 4 months ago
SpacePauls's avatar


Best 3 meter long thermal vent shooting I've ever seen. What an original idea.
1 year 5 months ago
Jace Lightner's avatar

Jace Lightner

2 years ago
josue.a.o's avatar


Kind of a semi-sarcastic summary:

A super-hero movie but with kind-of (super-rich) real people, with emotional high-school-type of problems, driving motorbikes at crazy speed without helmet, getting in love like a teenager (even when they are around 60 years old), and stretching their skin face to pretend they are still young and with several layers of make-up (because looking old is a stigma).
Fighting an anonymous/impersonal enemy and being saved miraculously in the last moment thanks to cheap cliché-coaching advice.
And, of course, at the end America wins.
1 year 2 months ago
Marcus Fenix's avatar

Marcus Fenix

Such a fantastic movie, I recommend it strognly even if you havent watched the first one, trust me there is gonna be enough flash backs, so just close this tab and go watch it right now.
1 year 4 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


Very enjoyable, I was buzzing as I left the cinema

Loved the special effects, for the most part they felt real and immersive unlike most blockbusters nowadays. The plot is fairly thin, it's cheesy (though not nearly as much as the original) and the love story didn't really work, however, none of these things were a deal breaker for me, I went to watch an action movie about fighter jets.

Best of all this is just a simple enjoyable 80s/90s-style unapologetic action movie that does its thing and doesn't try to preach at the audience.
1 year 11 months ago
Scheffel's avatar


How to make a perfect action movie: One hero. One mission. Zero detours from the mission (hello 3 hour long Superhero movies).

Just sprinkle with villains in black helmets, a heartfelt, tear jerking cameo, and a well handled love interest.
1 year 12 months ago
Tasselfoot's avatar


Guess I'm the only one not in love with this? Like, it's fine... but, completely predictable. I couldn't get past the insane number of continuity issues between this and the first. If it's 35 years later, how is Miles Teller's character mid 20s and not 40ish. How can they claim no US pilot shot down a plane in 35 years? How was Maverick in San Diego 3 years earlier with Penny if he hadn't been at Top Gun in 30+ years?

The banter between pilots continues the tradition from the first of being subpar, basic, uncreative G-rated barbs. The connection between Maverick and Penny is forced to give the film a love interest with no backstory.

Plane stuff was good though, albeit completely ripped off from A New Hope. Just not understanding all the insane praise here. 6/10.
1 year 12 months ago

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