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Paul Fenton
Animation, Short
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  1. Armoreska's avatar


    translation of intertitles
    Movie film is a tiny thing but supplies come in by the trainload.

    The basis of the film support is cotton. Four million pounds -
    about eight thousand bales - are used each year at Kodak Park.

    First the cotton is washed - Cleanliness is the first consideration
    at Kodak Park - and then it goes through huge dryers.

    After drying, the cleansed cotton is packed in moisture-proof cans.

    The cotton is fed through chutes to nitrating machines where,
    as the scientists say, "the acid esterifies the cellulose complex".
    In plain English, the acid so changes it that it can be
    dissolved in wood alcohol.

    Exhaust fans carry off the nitric acid fumes — thus protecting
    the workmen.

    The two stacks that help to keep Kodak Park clean and healthful
    by dissipating the smoke and fumes 366 feet up toward the clouds.

    After the acid has finished its work, it is thrown off by
    centrifugal force, the cotton, in wire baskets, being whirled at
    tremendous speed.

    Then there is more washing and more centrifugal wringing.

    The laundry work continues.

    And then a few weeks of repeated washing in these tanks.

    The cleansing completed, the cotton is fed through chutes to
    the mixers where it is dissolved in wood alcohol.

    The solution that results is a thick syrup-like substance known
    in Kodak Park parlance as "dope".

    The dope is piped to great air-tight tanks.

    These tanks are carried by electric crane to the coating machines.

    The dope is evenly spread on highly polished wheels and forms
    a continuous transparent sheet, 3-1/2 feet wide and five
    one-thousandths of an inch thick.

    Winding up the transparent film support preparatory to its
    going to the coating rooms where it receives the sensitive emulsion.

    The variation of thickness of the film is never more than
    one eight-thousandths of an inch.

    The original "dope" mixer. Thirty years ago (before the days
    of the movies) this little barrel and its twin brother
    sufficed for all the film dope made.

    So much washing requires lots of water. A private water
    system with a daily capacity of 12,000,000 gallons pumps
    the water from Lake Ontario, six miles away.

    The daily flow is recorded by a Venturi meter.

    The water storage tank.


    A midday stroll through the grounds.
    (End of Part One.)

    Just as the basis of the film base is cotton, the basis of
    the light-sensitive coating that makes the picture is silver.

    Excepting only the U.S. Mint, Kodak Park is the largest
    consumer of silver in the world. Over 3 tons of pure bullion
    are used every week.

    Nitric acid attacks silver as fearlessly as it does cotton.

    Only it makes more fuss about.

    She boils.

    When the fight is over, white crystals of silver nitrate are
    formed by the evaporation of the spent acid.

    Like a frosted window frame.

    The laundry work begins again.

    The Silver Nitrate is stored in aluminum drying closets.

    We now come to the dark-room stage in the manufacture of film.

    Mixing nitrate crystals, potassium bromide and gelatine
    dissolved in hot water forms the compound, sensitive to
    light, that makes the picture. It is called the "emulsion".

    Coating machines spread this sensitive emulsion evenly on
    the transparent base that was made from cotton. The film
    that comes from the machines is very similar to the film
    you buy in the yellow carton for your Kodak.

    Absolute control of both temperature and moisture is neces-
    sary at this stage of film-making to insure quality and
    uniformity, Temperature is controlled by means of several
    great refrigerating machines.

    The film is carefully inspected for the tiniest flaws or
    specks as it passes from the coating machines to the
    slitting knives.

    There are two kinds of motion picture film, the "negative",
    which is used in the camera and is very like what you use
    in your Kodak, and the "positive", which is this minute
    running through the projection machine and throwing this
    picture on the screen.

    Both negative and positive films are perforated on both edges
    with the utmost exactness.

    The perforation machines must work with perfect precision,
    else there will be jumpiness in the picture on the screen.

    The film is now ready to wrap up for packing in the cartons.

    While you have been taking this hurried trip through Film Land,
    three and a half miles of motion picture film has been made
    at Kodak Park.

    Each year, 147,000 miles of motion picture film, enough to
    girdle the earth six times, goes out from Kodak Park to tell
    you the news of the world, to make you laugh and cry, to teach
    you science and history, and to show you the uttermost parts
    of the earth.

    4 months 2 weeks ago
  2. Jumping Elephant's avatar

    Jumping Elephant

    Thanks for the link @martinrs. Astonishing! 4 months 3 weeks ago
  3. HenkMul's avatar


    Pages 3 to 5 in this document indicate that the YouTube-video is indeed just an excerpt. So, no eligible check. 6 months 1 week ago
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