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kurisu1974's avatar


Two bad movies for the price of one!
1 week 2 days ago
Falconcinemaniaco's avatar


Awful. The dialogues are lame and kills all the regular pace of the movie. They just talk and talk and almost look like it's not even scripted cause they just repeat the same thing. The exchange between Gosling and Blunt are excruciating. The physic is unregulated, we see people crash or being smashed by cars with no consequences at all. "Bullet Train", other movie of the same director, have some of this problem (just too much stuff sometimes, it just bore you out) but here all the previous concern are concentrated. Unbelievable 7.4 on IMDB, should be maybe 5.9 or 6. Awful.
2 weeks 3 days ago
MrDoog's avatar


Dumb, charming and enjoyable action movie in which the final act goes on a little too long, littered with nods and winks to the industry itself.

Blunt and Gosling are great and I enjoyed it, you could do a lot worse with your two hours.
3 weeks 1 day ago
oligneisti's avatar


This movie is exactly what is being advertised. Fun with great stunts.
1 month ago
goellnerd's avatar


I really wanted to like this and I felt like it had potential, but all the gen x references really took me out of it. Blunt and Gosling are charming and charismatic actors, but they couldn't save the middling script. It could have been really great, but it felt like there were too my rewrites, the tone was just inconsistent, and for a movie that is highline the great work of stunt actors and all the practical effects, it relied too heavily on shitty cgi. As with Fast X, i wish I had as much fun watching this as Momoa is having in it.
6 days 21 hours ago
Siskoid's avatar


The Fall Guy is just great big dollop of fun and has two driving forces: 1) Make the case for stunt people getting recognition, awards, and so on (I never doubted it). And 2) amuse with tons of movie/TV references, bordering at times on parody (as a big movie fan, I was INTO that). Now, I'm old enough to have watched The Fall Guy on TV in the 80s, and there's just enough of it in the DNA of the movie to satisfy even if Ryan Gosling is playing an entirely different character in all but name and truck (he reminds me most of his character in The Nice Guys). This Fall Guy, mooning for upcoming director and former flame Jodie Moreno (Emily Blunt), is drawn into a web of intrigue that could make him a literal "fall guy" while looking for Jodie's missing action star. The villains are cartoonish and, of late, I've become a little impatient with obviously improvised banter, but the movie finds ways to surprise and entertain, pushing at the world records in the world of stunts and finding new twists to old gags and sequences (the split screen, the drugged fight, stunt crew to the rescue, to name some favorites). A lot of well-deserved chuckles from my gang at the theater.
2 weeks 3 days ago
boulderman's avatar


The action was zoomed in too much.

The 8.5 cannon roll really was a world record.

Jodie was too whingy.

Villains weren't that villainous enough

Decent action and the unicorns were good.

Door key one of the best jokes and they cut the fist joke from the trailer?!

Music too loud, too many big songs to amp the excitement, although the score was decent.

Almost a 7/10 good

... The bizarre Dune score was weird although perhaps also a tie in to Mad Max?
3 weeks 6 days ago
Toastinator's avatar


Dull and unfunny.
1 month 1 week ago
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