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Torgo's avatar


At times beautiful to look at, but rather lame overall.

The 2010s were a decade that revived a fascinating genre to a mainstream audience with class: science-fiction. And, thankfully and finally, the one to stress the science above the fiction, so no action or fantasy nonsense but realistic films about astronauts, space travel and such. Films like Gravity, Interstellar or The Martian brought artistic and commercial success and reminded me of the heights of SF and cosmic movies in the 1970s. As with any boom, it had to come to an end.
In two years, we had 3 quite similar films come to screen which could have made hits but didn't: Ad Astra, High Life and The Midnight Sky. Each of them has merit, they're not failures. Still, in contrast to the aforementioned movies, they won't gratify a wider audience; I'm afraid none of them turned out to be the most entertaining movies.

The Midnight Sky has some fantastic looks (can't get enough from the views from K-43!) but falls flat on a narrative level. George Clooney hasn't got too much to say and his film doesn't evoke the thoughts or emotions he possibly aimed for. Many of the space scenes look brilliant - the Arctic ones are less thrilling - while the most exciting sequence borrows from Gravity, only less impactful. Then why don't stick to the original or Sunshine?
It's also a bit frustrating that we don't learn more about the catastrophe which hit earth. Not that I expected a Roland Emmerich film, but man, this is interesting. Your spoiler isn't.
3 years 5 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Aesthetically pleasing but not mentally.
3 years 5 months ago
Aniform's avatar


Just came fresh off this film and contrary to all the more negative critiques, which I won't argue against, they may have their own merits. However, I really enjoyed this film, it's quiet and slow moments are such a wonderful detour from what could have been an overblown action film. It almost seems like moments that could have been heart pounding or exhilarating were downplayed, which I happened to really appreciate. In fact, I almost found myself mildly annoyed at any attempts to inject some "action" into the story. I'd much prefer just the feeling of loss and sadness, maybe some hope too, but regardless, I enjoyed this. Especially when the last movie I watched was Greenland, which I'll gladly say I had a good time with, but it's certainly your run of the mill disaster film. So, to come to Midnight Sky and have so little unnecessary drama, I really needed that.
3 years 3 months ago
BadFluffy's avatar


A massive waste of a beautiful book. Basically turned a story about hope and sacrifice into a long long setup for the most pointless twist ever.
3 years 4 months ago
peterskb45's avatar


Just watch The Martian instead.
3 years 5 months ago
AceKong's avatar


To many questions
3 years 5 months ago
arrbrr's avatar


Terrible terrible terrible movie. Pathetic.
3 years 5 months ago
thetallterror's avatar


2500th Check
3 years 4 months ago
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