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120 min.
George A. Romero
Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
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4.1% (1:24)
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  1. dombrewer's avatar


    Not terribly scary, not terribly funny, but not terrible. Some nice Savini special effects - particularly in the fourth and probably best vignette "The Crate", and a roster of 80s stars including a young Ed Harris, Ted Danson, Leslie Nielsen et al, and a surprisingly competent one-man comic turn from Stephen King turning into a grassy knoll. Probably most famous for the final tale which is certainly not suitable for people who have an issue with insects. The framing story was a complete waste of time though. 11 years 9 months ago
  2. Zeltaebar's avatar


    The five vignettes are uneven and mostly uninspired, though with some good moments here and there. The best part of the film is the quality of the actors with talent such as Ed Harris and Ted Danson in absurdly small roles (though Stephen King's performance is rather embarrasing to watch). They all seem to have a good time with the material, but speeking of which, the material is unfortunately very weak. It seems as if every vignette builds up to some kind of twist just to reveal that exactly what you thought would happen is actually what happens. This quickly becomes tedious. For a five piece horror spectacle it is slowly paced with some completely unneccesary exposition dialogue in the first vignette as a good example. It is not scary and not funny enough. The overall impression is that of wasted potential as with most of Stephen King's attempts at writing screenplays. The man just doesn't understand the medium. 8 years 10 months ago
  3. nick121235's avatar


    Creepshow is a wonderfully stylistic adventure in classic 50’s comic book inspired horror directed and written by two of the most prominent names in the field of creepy books and film: Stephen King and George A. Romero. This movie is a series of shorter films reminiscent of Tales From The Crypt, another comic book inspired classic. It boasts a wonderful cast, including King himself, and a beautiful and seamless interweaving of film and animation, complete with stage lights and haunting musical score. The stories themselves are each distinct and enveloping, wonderfully carried out and impeccably shot. If you’re into spooky, scary tales, the kind you tell around a campfire at midnight, this film is simply to die for. 9 years 8 months ago
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