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124 min.
Joe Wright
Drama, Romance, Musical
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2.3% (1:43)
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  1. ucuruju's avatar


    The musical bits are pretty weak (except for the song with all the soldiers before battle). Not only musically, but some of Wright's directorial choices turn out horrible, like coreographing the exchange of letters as if it was a steamy love scene. Kinda cringe. It also feels bloated even though the last act is completely rushed. Still. There's a lot of good things here, including Peter Dinklage's considerable charm. So not bad, far from great, just OK. 2 years 4 months ago
  2. Siskoid's avatar


    Let's get it out of the way right now. For a French speaker, no English-language adaptation of Cyrano de Bergerac is ever going to be tops. That's because the playful feast of language can't be exactly replicated. That said, Joe Wright isn't really adapting the play with his Cyrano, but the musical based on the play, so he might just get away with it. The most playful uses of language are, in fact, replaced. The nose insults, the impromptu ballad, Christian's puns and the moonfall scene are either gone, or replaced with song and dance. The language of the musical is different tonally, which makes for more overt interiority, which the film uses well to showcase excellent performances from its cast, led so sympathetically by Peter Dinklage. It's less of a comedy, and more of a touching romance, which isn't a bad way to go. But while I applaud the acting and cinematography, I'm not always sure about the musical elements. I'm fine with actors using their own voices, regardless of quality, it's not that. It's just that the songs are often surprisingly poppy and the light-footed choreography a little goofy. Roxanne's solos in particular are shot like pop videos, at odds with the rest of the film. Much better are sections where songs weave in and out of dialog or montage, and when the soldiers sing about their letters home, not a dry eye in the house. And ultimately, the story is so strong, and the film keeps enough of the text, that it still resonates beautifully and tragically. 2 years 3 months ago
  3. Ray Anselmo's avatar

    Ray Anselmo

    It's not perfect, and maybe it doesn't go according to Rostand's original story, but I haven't run into many musicals with the kind of emotional impact this one packs. If you can stay dry-eyed through "Wherever I Fall," fine, but I couldn't. And Peter Dinklage's performance is the equal of any I've seen in the last decade. 9/10 1 year 11 months ago
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