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Siskoid's avatar


An under-appreciated Mel Brooks flick, High Anxiety is a fine spoof of Alfred Hitchcock's oeuvre with a few key parody moments - the shot-for-shot shower scene from Psycho, the monkey bars from The Birds - but generally aims to tell its own story, with its own characters, in a tale that's half Spellbound and half Vertigo. Otherwise, he's quoting Hitchcock's shots, but you're not always sure you'd be able to name which movie they're all from. In other words, a similar formula to Young Frankenstein, but even more distanced from the original work (not to mention the gags that spoof other films). It means it looks pretty cool, and it's a lot of fun besides. Harvey Korman is particularly in good form - I don't think he's given enough credit for his physical humor - and who isn't happy to see Madeline Kahn? If you want to get drunk watching this, however, I suggest you take a shot every time someone asks someone else who they are. Is this a Hitchcock trope that I never picked up on? I don't think it is.
1 year 4 months ago
fetzu's avatar


High Anxiety... you win!
11 years 8 months ago
Crentist852's avatar


I liked this film a lot more than I thought I would. Had a bunch of really funny scenes, plus it's well directed and has pretty great cinematography for a comedy.

It probably helped that I'm a Hitchcock nerd.
11 years 12 months ago
aussieflickfan's avatar


The psychological profession's ethics never looked the same to me after I saw this film. I love it. It does help if you're a Hitchcock fan, as you will pick up on a few references.
13 years 1 month ago
Kenneth McMahon's avatar

Kenneth McMahon

Better than Blazing Saddles!
8 years 4 months ago
Buff Deezl's avatar

Buff Deezl

Best movie ever made!
13 years 5 months ago
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