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109 min.
Joss Whedon
Drama, Romance, Comedy
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6.5% (1:15)
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  1. Siskoid's avatar


    Now Much Ado is my favorite Shakespeare comedy, but I must admit in large part due to the Branagh film, so letting go of some of those "definitive" performances was key (especially Emma Thompson's). Whedon helps by making this totally unlike Branagh's version. His is a cheap black and white unaccented Shakespeare set in the present day (in fact, in his own house) featuring familiar faces from his other projects. Whedonites will certainly find some joy, as I did, simply from the casting. And it mostly works too, though I do take exception at Alexis Denisof's Benedick, much too deadpan and unemotional to Amy Acker's Beatrice. Acker wears her every emotion on her sleeve. Beyond reuniting the tragic couple from Angel, and some fine physical comedy from the both of them, the chemistry isn't quite what's required. Stronger are Nathan Fillion as Dogberry (perhaps the only performance of the character that hasn't relied on making the constable insane), Reed Diamond as the Prince and Clark Gregg as Leonato (both very funny). Nice twists include making Conrade a woman and the whole jazzy feel of the piece (with Maurissa Tancharoen doing very pleasant versions of the play's songs). I do think it'll be known as the alcoholic Much Ado however, no doubt in line with how this project was born. 10 years 5 months ago
  2. ThomasFTB's avatar


    It would be pretty easy to cynically view Joss Whedon’s new modern dress Much Ado about Nothing movie, with its black and white, soft focus, Shakespearean dialogue and mostly unknown actors, as part of the second phase in a scheme to prove he’s actually some kind of super-humanly versatile director and that he can waltz effortlessly from big, loud summer blockbusters to quirky indie comedies. In other words, that Whedon is showing off.

    I like to tout myself as the most cynical bastard on the planet because being snarky and anti-social is easier than talking to people, and normally I’d be jumping in that cynicism pie like a gaming television host whose career didn’t turn out the way she wanted, but it would be a tad harder to call Joss Whedon a showoff if Much Ado wasn’t fucking delightful.

    Read the full review at
    10 years 11 months ago
  3. Shaunage's avatar


    What a nice surprise. This is just about the best time I've had at a movie all year. 10 years 10 months ago
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