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97 min.
Sofia Coppola
Drama, Comedy
Rating *
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5.4% (1:19)
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  1. FlaviaC's avatar


    Let's see: The life of the rich and famous can be pointless and boring - so is this movie. 11 years 9 months ago
  2. devilsadvocado's avatar


    I've been trying to figure out how S.Coppola could have made such a great film as Lost in Translation and at the same time such mediocre films (not in terms of writing, but in terms of execution). I wonder, honestly, if it's because she had Spike Jonze helping her out with LIT. I realize that that's a pretty weak theory, but it's all I can come up with at the moment.

    Somewhere seemed like a pretty weak effort. With sparse, natural films like this one, the whole aim is to get us to walk away having felt something real. We weren't necessarily supposed to have laughed or have been entertained, but to have had an authentic experience with the characters, in their world. Unfortunately, I had no emotional connection to this story the way it was executed. There was too much missing to make it real or honest to me.
    12 years ago
  3. monty's avatar


    [The opening scene] represents the first of numerous times throughout Somewhere in which Coppola sets down her camera and focuses on mundane, repetitive action. There's a point to this, but the side effect neutralizes it. She wants us to understand the aimless mindset that defines the main character but, by doing it this way, she makes the film inaccessible. She misses the point that one does not have to make a boring film to dramatize the situation of a boring character. The tedium created by the filmmaker's approach overwhelms its effectiveness. Instead of being hypnotized into continuing to watch, we feel a powerful desire to either fall asleep or walk out...There's probably a class of cinephile who will lap up Somewhere, savoring its bland flavor between bites of Baluga caviar and sips of Margaux 1982 Cabernet Sauvignon. For the rest of us, though, this movie works best as a sleep tonic. Somewhere isn't just frustratingly slow-moving; it's inert. 10 years 8 months ago
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