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John Milton's avatar

John Milton

It's on KG and one of the more beautifully shot examples of experimental cinema. Well worth seeing.

copied info from KG:
Peter Hutton (born 1944 in Detroit, Michigan) is an experimental filmmaker, known primarily for his silent cinematic portraits of cities and landscapes around the world. He has also worked as a professional cinematographer, most notably for his former student Ken Burns. Hutton studied painting, sculpture and film at the San Francisco Art Institute. He has taught filmmaking at Hampshire College, Harvard University, SUNY Purchase, and Bard College, where he has served as the director of the Film and Electronic Arts Program since 1989. Hutton's films are distributed by Canyon Cinema in San Francisco. In May 2008 the Museum of Modern Art in New York held a full retrospective of Hutton's films.
10 years 10 months ago
Emiam's avatar


Good. Not experimental even though the title says a "study" of... So nice with a conventional short. I like it (too), as Milton says! Calm, without sound - at least on YouTube! Is it supposed to be that way?
5 years 7 months ago
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