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Siskoid's avatar


Two scoundrels find each other on the road (running from various consequences) in Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (respectively, Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges) and eventually, they set about to commit a daring bank robbery. I say "eventually" where normally, one might say "pretty soon", because the movie takes its jolly time getting there. So as the buddy action/heist movie it purports to be (and it has enough car chases to make that statement true), it offroads almost fatally. As a character-based dramatic comedy about two thieves bonding over their life style rather than the money, it's not exactly Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, but it's in that vein. The performances are good, the caper itself is pretty solid, and there's something to see in every scene. If you can forgive it its aimlessness.
6 years 5 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Takes what seems like eternity to get started, but not too shabby when it finally does. The tone is super chill and laid back which is counter to the usual energy of a bank heist film. Those ice cream carts were the coolest little vehicle I've seen.
6 months 1 week ago
Louis Mazzini's avatar

Louis Mazzini

The most underrated movie of the 70's
12 years ago
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