Cover Girl

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munshi_maniac's avatar


Even after adding some of the posters on moviesposterDB to the movies which did not have poster before , and updating them here on ICM they dont get updated here. Kindly tell me why as they r already updated on moviesposterDB..!!
11 years 10 months ago
MovieDearest's avatar


I think you need to reset the update queue, I've uploaded a bunch of posters to the other site but they haven't changed here yet. More recent posters I have uploaded have appeared here, but there are about 50 that have been in limbo for over a week or more. Thanks.
11 years 11 months ago
serranouaille's avatar


Any news on that issue? I still get the "The cover of this movie is already in the update queue. Please check back later." at any uncovered movie... How much does it take the list of covers to upload?
12 years ago
MM's avatar


Any chance that Criterion covers could get preference over standard posters?
12 years ago
dumbed down's avatar

dumbed down

Now this is progress gentlemen... And too think Zuckerberg bought out Instagram for a billion. Hehe, what an Idiot!

Sweet deal guys. :P
12 years ago
serranouaille's avatar


When trying to add some covers to movies without them, I anytime get the message "The cover of this movie is already in the update queue. Please check back later." Many days have passed since and I'm still getting same message... Is that normal?
12 years ago
HEMA's avatar


How about getting them their own list on this site? Or alternatively using this list:
which appears to have some more unusual titles.
12 years ago
Cassiodoro's avatar


Great work!
12 years ago
piet's avatar


@marijn You're the greatest ;)
12 years ago
monty's avatar


I've added a bunch of covers now thus making my samurai list pretty up-to-date. However, this bugs me: "You have reached your upload limit. Please wait till your uploads get moderated, after that you can upload again." I can't stand waiting, hehe.
12 years ago
Marijn's avatar


@piet It should be fixed now ;)
12 years ago
Lord X's avatar

Lord X

Well played, guys. Thanks!
12 years ago
piet's avatar


@dM We normally do that, but someone (not gonna say who, but it isn't Erik or me) forgot to add a new timestamp to the proper files ;)
12 years ago
NuclearPlanet's avatar


I've always hated seeing movie without Poster. Glad to see that's just about to be over.
12 years ago
dM's avatar


If you have problems with the layout, please do a hard refresh and check again (CTRL+F5 / CMD + R).

To prevent having users to do this, I add a timestamp when including .js & .css-files. Example in php:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jssource.js?'.time().'"></script>

This assures me that the .js-file will be redownloaded with every pageview and the user will always have the latest version. Downside is more traffic and slower pageload. You can remedy that by appending a versionnumber rather than a timestamp. But then you'd have to remember changing the filenames every now and then. Or, and this is the coolest solution, check the filedate serverside and append that to the filename in your scripts.
12 years ago

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