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  1. Pardon le Cinéma vol.2: 100 films à voir d'urgence, des classiques aux pépites's icon

    Pardon le Cinéma vol.2: 100 films à voir d'urgence, des classiques aux pépites

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. [b]Pardon the Cinema, vol. 2![/b] The team of the first French podcast on cinema does it again with a new opus. New films, new classics to (re)discover, new nuggets lovingly unearthed, new great moments of the 7th art... But the objective is always the same: to wake up your screens with another cinema, an in-depth selection that travels across all continents and all genres, from 1907 to 2021, from Chile to Japan, from documentaries to action films... [b]100 unknown, forgotten or marginal films... to see urgently! [/b] "Pardon le Cinema" is Victor Bonnefoy (director, screenwriter and creator of the Youtube channel InThePanda), Sophie Grech (press officer and screenwriter), Marc Moquin (editor-in-chief of Revus & Corrigés), Simon Riaux (critic cinema in Le Cercle on Canal+ or on the Large Screen website), Arthur Cios (journalist for Konbini) and Alexis Roux (cinema journalist): a team that talks about cinema in an irresponsible but respectful atmosphere and brings together more than 100,000 listeners per month.
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