Personal lists

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  1. Ronny's Top 99 Arthouse Films's icon

    Ronny's Top 99 Arthouse Films

    Favs/dislikes: 23:0. There are way too many arthouse / surreal / artistic films out there to know where the hell to start. Even if you've watched them for years you can still get lost in the searching. One of the reasons why we started Film Bizarro was to highlight the weird for the masses, and while I think we have done that, we've also gotten wider. That's why I wanted to make this list - to make a list that focuses on only the good of the weird. I decided to call it my "Favorite Arthouse Films" because I think "Arthouse" is a word that sums it up perfectly even though the origins of the word might not apply to 100%. I've tried to write a good but short description for each film - it's just too much work to write a full review for each of these so bare with me. There are some fascinating films in this list and sometimes words just doesn't do it, at least not with my limited vocabulary, so don't judge them solely on what I have to say. If you find a film of interest: watch it! I decided to only include 3 movies from the same director, otherwise some directors would take up too much space. This list consists of films that are my favorites, I'm not claiming they are the best. Simply being weird doesn't do it!! When I decided to make this list I took it upon myself to watch a few films I have missed out on - LOTS and LOTS of films didn't make it, but some of them did. This of course means that in 6 months maybe the list would've looked slightly different, as I watch movies all the time. This documents the time when it was made, and I assure you that's good enough! Five of the movies are missing from IMDb. Missing from IMDb: #78. Tephrasect (Justin Curfman, 2004) #68. Ass (Usama Alshaibi, 2001) #61. I Never Left The White Room (Michael Todd Schneider, 2007) #30. ...and then i helped (Michael Todd Schneider, 2010) #15. Convulsion Expulsion (Usama Alshaibi, 2003)
  2. Top Ten Experiments In Horror's icon

    Top Ten Experiments In Horror

    Favs/dislikes: 10:0. Cinema is commonly thought of as a medium that brings our dreams into waking consciousness. And our nightmares. It cannot be argued that film has gravitated toward capturing the horrific ever since its inception. The Horror genre purposefully experiments with our fears and fear comes in many forms, as we all know. Most film makers tend to take somewhat formulaic approaches to style and narrative; however, through different manipulations of sight and sound, some attempt to involve the viewer into the presentation, beyond just observing it. These strange and frightening dreamscapes often attempt to question our perceptions - in both a visual and intellectual sense. Unfortunately, they are rarely met with much commercial acceptance or success. Nevertheless, many of the elements employed are often highly innovative and later copied by the mainstream. Look no further than 1929's impenetrable yet fascinating Un Chien Andalou for sixteen of the most peculiar minutes ever compiled, if you have any doubts. That opening eyeball scene alone is worth the watch, I assure you. Audiences of that time had seen nothing like it, but viewers today can easily spot the film's integrity. In accordance, here I'd like to focus on some of the most unconventional, surreal, abstract, ambiguous or indulgent works to ever be made. Where nothing is as it seems. Or is it? It is within these vague perimeters that I offer ten of the most compelling experimental horror films ever made. (Not complete yet. Some entries seem to be missing from IMDB). Missing from IMDb: In Stillness I Lie (Pepper Negron, 2009)
  3. 20 Great WTF Movies You Probably Haven’t Seen's icon

    20 Great WTF Movies You Probably Haven’t Seen

    Favs/dislikes: 9:0.
  4. Worldweird Cinema's icon

    Worldweird Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 7:1. The weirdest, the strangest, the oddest cinema from the farthest reaches of the globe. No Ozu, No Godard, No Antonioni, nothing so respectable. Only sleaze, horror, action, fantasy, whatever. The undefinable, the unnacceptable, the unreal. Original blog: The author currently blogs for the Mondo Macabro DVD label: and runs their official Facebook page:
  5. AniDB 'Surreal' Tag Films's icon

    AniDB 'Surreal' Tag Films

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. List of feature length films sorted by average rating under the 'Surreal' tag on AniDB. Includes shorts. Missing: Tailenders (2009) Yami o Mitsumeru Hane (2003)
  6. Trippy Cinema's icon

    Trippy Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. A personal list bunch of surreal, strange films that surprise, confuse, and entertain. Ordered semi-logically, not by rank. (In progress)
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