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TCM January 2018
Favs/dislikes: 2:0. -
Charles Bronson Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 22:0. The baddest actor that ever lived. -
Charles Bramesco's Colors of Film: The Story of Cinema in 50 Palettes
Favs/dislikes: 4:1. Taking you from the earliest feature films to today, Colours of Film introduces 50 iconic movies and explains the pivotal role that colour played in their success. The use of colour is an essential part of film. It has the power to evoke powerful emotions, provide subtle psychological symbolism and act as a narrative device. In Colours of Film, film critic Charles Bramesco introduces an element of cinema that is often overlooked, yet has been used in extraordinary ways. Using infographic colour palettes, and stills from the movies, this is a lively and fresh approach to film for cinema-goers and colour lovers alike. He also explores in fascinating detail how the development of technologies have shaped the course of modern cinema, from how the feud between Kodak and Fujifilm shaped the colour palettes of the 20th Century's greatest filmakers, to how the advent of computer technology is creating a digital wonderland for modern directors in which anything is possible. ​Filled with sparkling insights and fascinating accounts from the history of cinema, Colours of Film is an indispensable guide to one of the most important visual elements in the medium of film. I. Over the Rainbow: Post-facto Colorization (1-11) II. Unbound Imaginations: Kodak & Fujifilm (12-24) III. Making a Statement: Color Theory (25-41)* IV. Digital Wonderlands: The Color TV (42-52) *Three Colors Trilogy is considered one entry, thus 52 movies. -
Charles Vidor filmography
Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Movies made by Charles Vidor.