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  1. 101 Cult Movies You Must See Before You Die's icon

    101 Cult Movies You Must See Before You Die

    Favs/dislikes: 23:1. 101 important cult films as defined in Stephen Jay Schneider's book, 101 Cult Movies You Must See Before You Die. (ISBN: 0764163493)
  2. 5 Minutes 2 Live Top 50 Cult Films's icon

    5 Minutes 2 Live Top 50 Cult Films

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. 50 top cult movies chosen by the now defunct website 5 Minutes 2 Live in response to a somewhat less interesting and more populist list made by Entertainment Weekly.
  3. Abel Ferrara's Filmography's icon

    Abel Ferrara's Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0.
  4. Another World Entertainent's icon

    Another World Entertainent

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. The catalogue of the great Scandanavic movie distribution company. In order of the releases / catalogue number.
  5. AV Club The Old Cult Canon's icon

    AV Club The Old Cult Canon

    Favs/dislikes: 20:1. 16 cult films that paved the way for the new cult canon
  6. B Horror Movies's icon

    B Horror Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. list of b horror films to watch
  7. Bad Movies We Love's icon

    Bad Movies We Love

    Favs/dislikes: 33:3. Compiled by Edward Margulies and Stephen Rebello, the caustically clever authors of Movieline magazine’s popular feature “Bad Movies We Love”, this outrageous 1993 book leaves no stone (including Sharon) unturned as it skewers some of Hollywood’s biggest big-budget film fiascos ever and the stars and filmmakers who made it all happen.
  8. Best Moustaches's icon

    Best Moustaches

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Epic moustaches.
  9. Cult Film Podcasts's icon

    Cult Film Podcasts

    Favs/dislikes: 17:0. Midnight Video Podcast - (1-91) Mondo Movie Podcast - (92-?) Junk Food Dinner Podcast - (?-?)
  10. "Cult Movies in Sixty Seconds" by Soren McCarthy's icon

    "Cult Movies in Sixty Seconds" by Soren McCarthy

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. "Presenting the information movie fans need about those films that the insiders seem to know and love, this handy guide to cult flicks offers perceptive and entertaining entries containing an outline of the plot, characters, and themes; insight into why the film is considered a classic; and essential little-known facts. Featuring such favorites as Barbarella, Betty Blue, Harold and Maude, Roger and Me, The Wickerman, and Withnail and I, this book highlights the best films from more than 50 years of movie making. Also explored are the qualities that make a film a cult movie and whether a film can be both cult and a box office hit."
  11. Danny Peary's Cult Horror Movies (2014)'s icon

    Danny Peary's Cult Horror Movies (2014)

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Discover the 33 Best Scary, Suspenseful, Gory, and Monstrous Cinema Classics. The Bride of Frankenstein to House of Wax to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre to The Brood—horror is a beloved and multifaceted genre, with no two classics truly alike. And almost all of them—great and not-so-great—inspire the kind of passion that only cult films truly reach. In this collection of 33 essays drawn from his revered Cult Movies series, cult film specialist Danny Peary.
  12. Dark Force Entertainment's icon

    Dark Force Entertainment

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. All movies released by Dark Force Entertainment
  13. De Jonge Ruige Cult Classics's icon

    De Jonge Ruige Cult Classics

    Favs/dislikes: 6:1. The best, most awesome, brilliant, and rock 'n roll cult classics, as selected by the coinnaisseurs cinematique of 'De Jonge Ruige'. Always in progress. In random order.
  14. De Schokkend Nieuws Top 100 Aller Tijden's icon

    De Schokkend Nieuws Top 100 Aller Tijden

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. De Nederlandse fans hebben gesproken. Wat is de beste horror-, sciencefiction-, fantasy- of cultfilm aller tijden? Schokkend Nieuws deed ter gelegenheid van zijn honderdste editie een oproep aan lezers, fans en collega-filmjournalisten een lijstje samen te stellen met de tien beste genrefilms aller tijden. De oproep leverde maar liefst 719 verschillende titels op. De honderd beste films staan afgedrukt in de 100e editie van de tweemaandelijkse filmglossy (IMDb List:
  15. Dinky's Dirt Cinema's icon

    Dinky's Dirt Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Film night that celebrates the oft-kilter, curios, the periphery, the hidden gems, the forgotten and maligned with a focus on genre cinema, exploitation films, cult classics, and denizens of the fleapit. 'It's sort of a cosmic gumbo. It almost moves to the beat of jazz'
  16. Entertainment Weekly’s Top 50 Cult Movies's icon

    Entertainment Weekly’s Top 50 Cult Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 30:0. Published in 2003, Entertainment Weekly Magazine described their Top 50 Cult Movies thusly: "most died at the box office, some of them horribly. Mangled and despised, they were re-animated on video. And now they compose our cultural Esperanto, a subliminal vocabulary of vaguely subversive images, ideas, and phrases that we continue to obsess over and dissect at parties, around water coolers, in bars, over the blaring banalities of the mainstream media din. They are Cult Movies...So if you take your dead evil and your buckaroos banzai-ed, pour yourself a tall glass of Kool-Aid and peruse this list…" Note: Reader response to the original list was so great, that EW subsequently annexed their list with 11 “readers’ choice” picks. Why 11? Well, it's one longer, isn't it …?


    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. A simplistic definition of the horror genre assumes that it has to contain monsters and to follow a strict set of genre rules. I believe, however, that horror has the potential to work on a number of different levels, both metaphorical, existential and purely visceral. By its very nature it creates possibilities for expression of pretty complex questions about the nature of existence; more importantly it allows questioning film-makers to completely shatter any pre-existing ideas about what can be defined as normal. Here it is used to explore and criticise society in ways no other genre can, primarily because it is much maligned and misunderstood; film-makers have the freedom to create metaphysical spaces that would be otherwise impossible. In this list I'm interested in looking at those aspects of particular films which make them stand out from the others, which make fans of those of us who are attuned to what horror sometimes tries to communicate (and alienates as many). Horror is also an ambiguous zone of possibility that allows experimentation with forms of representation not allowable in anything outside the avant-garde. These days it's hard to find a horror film that really touches you deeply in the nightmarish kind of way true horror really should. The more recent Hollywood spectacles may look good but lack true depth, often providing a humanistic outlook frosted with a prudishly moral acceptance of empty concepts. In short, I rarely see anthing that more than skirts the edges of true horror. Sometimes you have to look really hard, both into the past and to films that aren't produced by the formulaic cemetery for cinema which calls itself an industry. The idea is to include some of them here. I'm going to try to suggest in short some of the reasons why I've added them to the list (with as few spoilers as possible); the ultimate plan is to include at my website more detailed analyses and descriptions which you can find here: My other lists contains films that follow the rules set by Hollywood and are not necessarily awful, but should in any case be avoided by anyone who expects something cogent from the genre. Any suggestions for this or my other list are welcome; I'd love to be made aware of more truly weird and exceptional horror films that may be worthy of this list. I'd also like to thank Frank Edelamn who is the sole creator of his astoudingly complete exploration of low-budget, exploitation and anti-Hollywood cinematic offerings in his extensive website, both well written and well-researched. He calls it, aptly, 'Critical Condition' and can be found at the following URL: His site and advice helped me add many of the titles to this list.
  18. Filmmagasinets kultsider's icon

    Filmmagasinets kultsider

    Favs/dislikes: 17:0. The norwegian magazine called Filmmagasinet has every month a section with four cult movies. This is the movies from the sections.
  19. French movies 's icon

    French movies

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  20. Funky Bollywood: The Wild World of 1970s Indian Action Cinema's icon

    Funky Bollywood: The Wild World of 1970s Indian Action Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. "Despite the often stereotypical notions of Bollywood, it’s not all weddings, wet saris and running around trees. In the 1970s, Indian cinema gave birth to a new breed of action movie, one that combined its own exuberant traditions with foreign influences like the gritty urban crime thrillers of the New Hollywood, Hong Kong martial arts cinema, and Italian exploitation fare. This was the domain of hard fighting he-men stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra and Feroz Khan and badass, whip-wielding heroines played by the likes of the gorgeous Zeenat Aman, Hema Malini, and Rekha. Let world cult cinema fanatic Todd Stadtman be your guide through this world of karate killers, femme fatales, space age lairs, bombshells and booby traps with Funky Bollywood, a book with an attitude as freewheeling and feisty as its subject matter, bursting with colour and imagination on every vibrant page."
  21. German Cult Movies's icon

    German Cult Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0.
  22. Guy Maddin Feature Filmography's icon

    Guy Maddin Feature Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 16:1. Canadian director Guy Maddin's favorite things include artifice! melodrama! taboos! repression! hyperspeed editing! and exclamation points!!!
  23. Hard Hitting Film Posters - Swedish Posters for International Exploitation Films 1958-1984's icon

    Hard Hitting Film Posters - Swedish Posters for International Exploitation Films 1958-1984

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. All the posters featured in the book. Author: Rickard Gramfors This book is a sort of follow-up to the previously released "Do You Believe in Swedish Sin?" (2021) also by the same author - and also on iCM. Note: Despite the title, six films had their production year earlier than 1958. In the case of "Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein", the book features a re-release poster from 1976. Printed in Estonia 2024. Original Title: "Filmer som går! Filmer som slår! Affischer från små svenska filmdistributörer 1958-1984" ISBN: 978-91-986772-1-8 © Klubb Super 8 AB + Pornografinästet (Porno - Made in Denmark, 1972) page 279 + Primal Pleasure (1973) page 359
  24. Jean Serroy's Les 1000 Films Culte de l'Histoire du Cinema's icon

    Jean Serroy's Les 1000 Films Culte de l'Histoire du Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. University professor emeritus and film critic, Jean Serroy takes the reader through the history of cinema which, in 120 years of existence, has never stopped reinventing itself, going from silent to talkies in the early 1930s, from black and white to color, from small format square screens to the spectacular dimensions of ever larger screens, from film and cellulose nitrate to 4D. This book thus proposes to return to the 1,000 cult films that have marked our era and which, each, have punctuated the life of generations of yesterday and today. Hundreds of films from all genres and all countries are presented, decade by decade, according to a selection based on objective data such as the annual admissions rankings, in France and abroad, the major festivals such as Cannes and Venice but also on major celebrations such as the Oscars and the Césars or even on the notoriety consecrated by critics. So many criteria that have allowed cinema to establish itself as a new, unique and irreplaceable art.
  25. Kim Newman's 25 Must-See Direct-to-Video Pictures's icon

    Kim Newman's 25 Must-See Direct-to-Video Pictures

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Unranked list. Published in the Second Empire Movie Miscellany by Empire Magazine on 2007-08-09. All films were direct-to-video in the UK, where this list was published.
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