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Alex van Warmerdam filmography
Favs/dislikes: 6:0. -
Bert Haanstra Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 2:0. -
KNF Dutch Film of the Year 2007
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. The Kring van Nederlandse Filmjournalisten (Association of Dutch Film Critics) voted for the best Dutch film released in 2011. Each of the 40 critics submitted their top 3. #8 and 9, 10 and 11 are ex aequo -
KNF Dutch Film of the Year 2010
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. The Kring van Nederlandse Filmjournalisten (Association of Dutch Film Critics) voted for the best Dutch film released in 2011. Each of the 72 critics submitted their top 3. #9, 10 and 11 are ex aequo -
KNF Dutch Film of the Year 2011
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. The Kring van Nederlandse Filmjournalisten (Association of Dutch Film Critics) voted for the best Dutch film released in 2011. Each of the 72 critics submitted their top 3. The cutoff of this list is at a minimum of 4 points (rank 1 = 3 points, rank 2 = 2 points, rank 1 = 1 point). The complete list and point distribution can be found at the source url. Not on IMDb: #5 Curacao #14 Niet zonder jou -
KNF Dutch Film of the Year 2012
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. The Kring van Nederlandse Filmjournalisten (Association of Dutch Film Critics) voted for the best Dutch film released in 2012. Each of the 90 critics submitted their top 3. The cutoff of this list is at a minimum of 7 points (rank 1 = 3 points, rank 2 = 2 points, rank 1 = 1 point). The complete list and point distribution can be found at the source url. -
Favs/dislikes: 2:0. KORT! ("short" in Dutch) gives a mix of both beginners/young and more experienced/established screenwriters/filmmakers the chance to make short (stand-alone) fiction films. The films will be screened at the Dutch Film Festival, then online and a year later on television during the so-called evening of the short film. The NTR (a Dutch public broadcaster), the Dutch Film Fund, the Dutch Cultural Broadcasting Fund and the Co-production Fund Domestic Broadcasting facilitate the production of these short fiction films. Shorts remarkably not included in the IMDb: Rat (Roel Boorsma & Berend Boorsma) Salt-battle (Ron Termaat) 11:59 (Johan Kramer) Dialoogoefening (Esther Rots) De laatste dag (Saskia Diesing) Ruwe honing (Annick Vroom) Salto Mortale (Vincent Schuurman) -
Nanouk Leopold filmography
Favs/dislikes: 0:0. -
Nederlands Film Festival - Diamanten Film
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. The Diamond Film (Dutch: Diamanten Film) is a film award recognizing domestic box office achievements in the Netherlands. It is awarded for the first 1,000,000 visitors of a Dutch film production. -
Nederlands Film Festival - Gouden Film
Favs/dislikes: 7:0. The Golden Film (Dutch: Gouden Film) is a film award recognizing domestic box office achievements in the Netherlands. It is awarded for the first 100,000 visitors of a Dutch film production (before 2003, for the first 75,000 visitors). -
Nederlands Film Festival - Kristallen Film
Favs/dislikes: 3:0. The Crystal Film (Dutch: Kristallen Film) is a film award recognising domestic box office achievements in the Netherlands. It is awarded for the first 10,000 visitors of a Dutch documentary film production. -
Nederlands Film Festival - Platina Film
Favs/dislikes: 7:0. The Platinum Film (Dutch: Platina Film) is a film award recognising domestic box office achievements in the Netherlands. It is awarded for the first 400,000 visitors of a Dutch film production (before 2003, for the first 200,000 visitors). -
Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Telefilms are Dutch films made specifically for Public Broadcasting. The films deal with current social issues. The aim of the project is to stimulate cooperation between the film industry and broadcasters and to promote homegrown drama productions among the Dutch public. There are six films produced annually (none in 2000 and nine in 2001). Several films won national and international film awards. The Telefilms are established with financial support from the Ministry of Education and the Co-production Fund Domestic Broadcasting. -
Henk van der Linden filmography
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. All feature films directed by Henk van der Linden -
Van Abeltje tot Zoop
Favs/dislikes: 2:0. All movies listed in "Van Abeltje tot Zoop" by Esther Schmidt and Sabine Veenendaal. Dutch children's films from 1937 to 2011. Missing on IMDb: De guitenstreken van Jopie Slim en Dickie Bigmans (1939) Jongenskamp (1947) Ridders zonder harnas (1947) Trouwe kameraden (1949) De club van de Zwarte Panter (1950) Paradijs der jeugd (1951) Het geheim van de Valkenhorst (1952) Brilstra en zijn bromvlieg (1956) -
Canon of Dutch Cinema
Favs/dislikes: 9:0. In 2007 a committee of 8 members of the Dutch film world, compiled a canon of Dutch cinema. Their task was to put together a list of movies capturing the versatility of the Dutch cinema Not necessarily a list of 'best' Dutch films, but more a list of 'most important' Dutch films. It includes early examples of Dutch film, the first Dutch sound movie, short documentaries, animated shorts, popular films and youth films among others. -
Best Dutch Film of the Century
Favs/dislikes: 8:0. In 1999 the Dutch Film Festival organized the election of the Best Dutch Movie of the Century. Everyone could vote for their top 3 Dutch movies. This list includes the top 50 (actually top 51, since the last 2 movies received the same amount of votes). To see all the films that received votes and some extra statistics, including the points the movies each received, visit the source url. -
De Schokkend Nieuws Top 100 Aller Tijden
Favs/dislikes: 8:0. De Nederlandse fans hebben gesproken. Wat is de beste horror-, sciencefiction-, fantasy- of cultfilm aller tijden? Schokkend Nieuws deed ter gelegenheid van zijn honderdste editie een oproep aan lezers, fans en collega-filmjournalisten een lijstje samen te stellen met de tien beste genrefilms aller tijden. De oproep leverde maar liefst 719 verschillende titels op. De honderd beste films staan afgedrukt in de 100e editie van de tweemaandelijkse filmglossy (IMDb List: -
Hollands Hollywood
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. All movies with an entry in "Hollands Hollywood" by Henk van Gelder. Dutch cinema from 1934 to 1994. Missing on imdb: Polygoon's filmvariété (1942) Ten hoogste negen jaren (1945) Vrij en onverveerd (1945) Stranding (1960) Op de bodem van de hemel (1965) De witte paraplu (1983) -
iCM Forum's Favourite Movies from the Benelux Complete List
Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The complete list of favorite movies from Belgium, the Netherlands and/or Luxembourg as chosen by members of the iCM Forum. The top 75 can be found here -
iCM Forum's Favourite Movies from the Benelux Top 75
Favs/dislikes: 2:0. The top 75 favorite movies from Belgium, the Netherlands and/or Luxembourg as chosen by members of the iCM Forum. -
Paul Verhoeven filmography
Favs/dislikes: 31:0. Paul Verhoeven (born July 18, 1938) is a Dutch film director, screenwriter, and producer who has made movies in both the Netherlands and the United States. Explicitly violent and/or sexual content and social satire are trademarks of both his drama and science fiction films. He is best known for directing the American feature films RoboCop (1987), Total Recall (1990), Basic Instinct (1992), Starship Troopers (1997), and Hollow Man (2000). Turkish Delight (1973) received the award for Best Dutch Film of the Century at the Netherlands Film Festival.[1] His films altogether received a total of nine Academy Award nominations, mainly for editing and effects. Both RoboCop and Total Recall won an Academy Special Achievement Award. In contrast, his film Showgirls (1995) was poorly received and won seven Golden Raspberry Awards, but has become a cult film over time.