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10 Great Movies That Explore Human Alienation
Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Some of the best movies ever made have been inspired by loneliness and isolation. There is still something to be said for the film that shines a light on the theme of alienation. By returning to this timeless concept, and taking a look at all the different lonely characters in film, there are lessons to be learned for our own lives. Here are 10 of the best films that explore human alienation. -
Constitutional Law in Movies
Favs/dislikes: 7:0. Films about the following themes: 1. State and legal structure 2. Human rights 3. Legislative procedure 4. Rule of law 5. Separation of powers -
Humanism: [/100] Films to Help Save the People
Favs/dislikes: 7:0. (a work in progress) Acts of kindness. Humans helping humans. Understanding the race and the self. The fall and rise of humans and human nature, society, norms, and all things surrounding what makes us living and breathing, what helps us to understand ourselves, for better or for worse, in our feelings of lowest lows and the very high highs, in empathy and sympathy. Everything directed to better ourselves and further know who we are and are becoming. [The revolution of/to save humanity.] -
Tom Six Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 6:0. All films directed by Tom Six. Excluding shorts.