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The Life Cinematic Top 1000 (2012 Edition)
Favs/dislikes: 35:1. The Life Cinematic is a message board full of film enthusiasts. Members have a very diverse and unique taste in film. This resulted in this consensus list based on their individual top 100s. The site is now defunct, but this list is a glimpse into what a wonderfully idiosyncratic and often mental place it was. -
500 existential films
Favs/dislikes: 17:0. A mubi list containing films with existential themes. Credit goes to mubi user pvt joker ( Fanny och Alexander is the theatrical version. Scener ur ett äktenskap is the television version. -
Don Hertzfeldt Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 7:0. Short films by Don Hertzfeldt -
Humanism: [/100] Films to Help Save the People
Favs/dislikes: 7:0. (a work in progress) Acts of kindness. Humans helping humans. Understanding the race and the self. The fall and rise of humans and human nature, society, norms, and all things surrounding what makes us living and breathing, what helps us to understand ourselves, for better or for worse, in our feelings of lowest lows and the very high highs, in empathy and sympathy. Everything directed to better ourselves and further know who we are and are becoming. [The revolution of/to save humanity.] -
Indie films (romantic, everyday life issues, pseudo-dramatic sh*t)
Favs/dislikes: 1:1.