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  1. Best Texas Films's icon

    Best Texas Films

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. This list is inspired by the article "No Country for Bad Movies" from the June, 2011 issue of Texas Monthly. Their panel was limited by criteria such as no documentaries, nothing made-for-TV, and each film "had to really feel as if it could only have been made in Texas". Their official results comprise listings 1-10 below, in no particular order. Everything after #10 is an at-large selection made by me based on looser guidelines, namely anything partially set in or partially filmed in Texas.
  2. Paris, whatever's icon

    Paris, whatever

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Another paris.
  3. Texas Film Hall of Fame's icon

    Texas Film Hall of Fame

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. The Texas Film Hall of Fame was founded in 2001 by the Austin Film Society (AFS) to honor outstanding Texans who've made a significant contribution to filmmaking and entertainment, and non-Texans who have made strides in the Texas entertainment industry. Classic Texas films and television programs are also honored, with a member of the cast or creative team accepting on behalf of his or her colleagues.
  4. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's icon

    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. List of films in the The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise. Please message me if the list can be improved.
  5. Tobe Hooper Filmography's icon

    Tobe Hooper Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 11:0. Tobe Hooper is best knowed for his horror masterpiece The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. This is his filmography over movies he has directed. TV series and movies he was replaced from are not included.
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