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iCheckMovies allows you to check many different top lists, ranging from the all-time top 250 movies to the best science-fiction movies. Please select the top list you are interested in, which will show you the movies in that list, and you can start checking them!


  1. From the Depths of Obscurity - A Film General List's icon

    From the Depths of Obscurity - A Film General List

    Favs/dislikes: 35:0. Original version (May 2012) For the highest rated films that received 3-7 votes, and therefore did not meet the minimum requirement of 8 votes needed in order to be included in the FG Top 1000. In descending order, beginning with the highest average rating (9.667). Credit for this list should go to Gloede / Crinderman (organizer), The Magician (script), Serriform (spreadsheet), and the FGers who did all the voting.
  2. The Life Cinematic Top 1000 (2012 Edition)'s icon

    The Life Cinematic Top 1000 (2012 Edition)

    Favs/dislikes: 34:1. The Life Cinematic is a message board full of film enthusiasts. Members have a very diverse and unique taste in film. This resulted in this consensus list based on their individual top 100s. The site is now defunct, but this list is a glimpse into what a wonderfully idiosyncratic and often mental place it was.
  3. Outside the Cinema's icon

    Outside the Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 7:0. Movies reviewed on the Outside the Cinema podcast including movies watched or reviewed during special live shows and the top 6 list from ep. 100. End of the year roundtables and tv-shows (Firefly, Buffy) are not included so far. Comments, questions, remarks? Feel free to leave a comment! Movies covered with Ryan are 1-99 Movies covered during ep. 100: 195-236 Kickstarter movies: 557-568, 571-588, 591-619, 2008 - 01-87 2009 - 88-236 2010 - 237-341 2011 - 342-437 2012 - 438-533 2013 - 534-623 2014 - 624- Missing because movie is not in IMDB: The eye of the condor, episode 320.
  4. Rating the Movies (1990) - 4 star movies's icon

    Rating the Movies (1990) - 4 star movies

    Favs/dislikes: 9:0. "Lost in a maze of movies and can't decide which to watch? Whatever you look for in a movie - action-packed adventure, spine-tingling suspense, sophisticated romance, realistic drama, side-splitting comedy, a look at life in another land or era - Rating the Movies will help you choose the very best. This reliable source of information summarizes and rates over 3900 films [actually it doesn't; there are 3895 entries in total]. Each review includes key information on leading performers, directors, running time, year of release, videotape and Closed-Captioned availability, MPAA rating, and Academy Awards and nominations. Rating the Movies is updated, to include the very latest important films - Dick Tracy, Total Recall, Driving Miss Daisy, Born on the Fourth of July, Back to the Future Part III, Die Hard 2: Die Harder, Pretty Woman, and many more. Of course, all the great classics that made movie history are here too, including such colorful swashbucklers as The Adventures of Robin Hood and such sweeping epics as Gone With the Wind. Rating the Movies is the indispensable guide that belongs on every movie lover's bookshelf." 439 films receive ★★★★ 207 films receive ★★★½ 1429 films receive ★★★ 385 films receive ★★½ 1096 films receive ★★ 112 films receive ★½ 209 films receive ★ 18 films receive No Stars ISBN: 0881764043
  5. Skype Crew watch potentially bad movies together's icon

    Skype Crew watch potentially bad movies together

    Favs/dislikes: 6:7. Here's a bunch of potentially shitty flicks we'll see together at the Skype Crew. If you know of a crappy movie, that's also an official check, and is not on this list, recommend away! Wanna watch a movie with the Skype Crew? Send me a PM, then. :) The list can also be found at IMDb, with our ranking for each movie:
  6. The top 250 directors and their best film according to TSPDT/DtC (2012)'s icon

    The top 250 directors and their best film according to TSPDT/DtC (2012)

    Favs/dislikes: 44:0. This list contains 250 films by the 250 greatest directors of all time, according to "they shoot pictures don't they?". Each director has one entry; their most critically acclaimed film. Two directors appear more than once on the list (Michael Powell and Stanley Donen) and all together there are 5 director couples (Powell/Pressburger, Donen/Kelly, Coen Brothers, Cooper/Schoedsack and Straub/Huillet). #76 is a TV-mini-series; #81, #151, #157, #180, #190 and #202 are short features, the rest of the entries are featured films.
  7. Vakos Family's Must-See Movies's icon

    Vakos Family's Must-See Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Films that every Vakos and Vakos partner/friend must see! Lexi is a Vakos too! We're sorry, but you can't communicate effectively with us unless you've seen or are willing to see these.
  8. Condemned by the Legion of Decency's icon

    Condemned by the Legion of Decency

    Favs/dislikes: 17:1. This is a list of films condemned by the Legion of Decency, a United States Catholic organization, and its successor (from 1965), the National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures. The condemned (or C) rating was issued from the time of the Legion's formation in 1933 until 1978, when the C rating and the B rating were merged into the new O ("morally offensive") rating. In 1980, the NCOMP film office was shut down, along with the biweekly Review, which had published ratings on 16,251 feature films. The Legion's ratings were applied to movies made in the United States (which were subject to the Production Code until 1967) as well as those imported from other countries. Beginning in 1968, the ratings were applied in addition to any rating assigned by the MPAA film rating system. Legion-organized boycotts made a C rating harmful to a film's distribution and profitability. Accordingly, for the majority of years that the rating was applied, most condemned films were made outside of the United States, where their producers didn't have as much to fear from the condemnation. Of the 53 movies the Legion had placed on its condemned list by 1943, only Howard Hughes' The Outlaw came from a major US studio, and it had not been approved by the Production Code or distributed widely. Despite rumors to the contrary, Elia Kazan's A Streetcar Named Desire and Billy Wilder's The Seven Year Itch did not receive C ratings. Rather, Kazan's film was cut by 4 minutes to avoid condemnation, while Wilder's film had to cut scenes from the original play to be approved by Legion of Decency. [wikipedia]
  9. Classic Universal Monster's icon

    Classic Universal Monster

    Favs/dislikes: 47:1. Classic Universal Monster/Horror/Sci-fi/Thriller from 20s-60s
  10. 100 Must-See Movies 's icon

    100 Must-See Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 1:1. It is always a challenge to produce a definitive list of “must- see” movies, because value judgments are, by definition, extremely subjective. However, the 100 handpicked films in this section have delighted, moved or educated audiences of all ages, all over the world. Over the last nine decades, these films have changed our perceptions of cinema, and most have left an indelible mark on film history.
  11. Pardon le Cinéma vol.2: 100 films à voir d'urgence, des classiques aux pépites's icon

    Pardon le Cinéma vol.2: 100 films à voir d'urgence, des classiques aux pépites

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. [b]Pardon the Cinema, vol. 2![/b] The team of the first French podcast on cinema does it again with a new opus. New films, new classics to (re)discover, new nuggets lovingly unearthed, new great moments of the 7th art... But the objective is always the same: to wake up your screens with another cinema, an in-depth selection that travels across all continents and all genres, from 1907 to 2021, from Chile to Japan, from documentaries to action films... [b]100 unknown, forgotten or marginal films... to see urgently! [/b] "Pardon le Cinema" is Victor Bonnefoy (director, screenwriter and creator of the Youtube channel InThePanda), Sophie Grech (press officer and screenwriter), Marc Moquin (editor-in-chief of Revus & Corrigés), Simon Riaux (critic cinema in Le Cercle on Canal+ or on the Large Screen website), Arthur Cios (journalist for Konbini) and Alexis Roux (cinema journalist): a team that talks about cinema in an irresponsible but respectful atmosphere and brings together more than 100,000 listeners per month.
  12. The Perfect Crime/Murder's icon

    The Perfect Crime/Murder

    Favs/dislikes: 10:0. Perfect crime is a colloquial term used in law and fiction (principally crime fiction) to characterize crimes that are undetected, unattributed to a perpetrator, or else unsolved as a kind of technical achievement on the part of the perpetrator. In certain contexts, the concept of perfect crime is limited to just undetected crimes; if an event is ever identified as a crime, some investigators say it cannot be called 'perfect'. A perfect crime should be distinguished from one that has merely not been solved yet or where everyday chance or procedural matters frustrate a conviction. There is an element that the crime is (or appears likely to be) unable to be solved.
  13. TOP TV HORROR / MYSTERY ANTHOLOGY EPISODES (Freaky Fuckin Friday)'s icon


    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. (IN PROGRESS) The YouTube web series counts down the Top Horror / Mystery Anthology Episodes Ever! . ....but because anthology shows usually feature episodes in diverse sub-genres - this list will also include episodes based on; fantasy, science-fiction, comedy, drama, war, crime, etc. The only requirement is the episode must have been featured on an anthology show. The episodes listed are all based on at least 1 of 3 things; historical importance, creepiness/creativity, and just being a straight up enjoyable watch. The list will change as new episodes of shows are released and older shows are rediscovered/re-examined. The list is in descending order from best to least best. Feel free to comment! Every piece of input will be carefully examined. TV SHOWS INCLUDED -------------------------------------- -Black Mirror (2011-2013 / Channel 4) -Stephen King's Nightmare and Dreamscapes (2006 / TNT) -Tales From The Crypt (1989-1996 / HBO) -Tales From The Darkside (1983-1988 / Laurel - syndication) SHOWS NOT FULLY EXAMINED ------------------------------------------------- -13 Demon Street -A Twist in the Tale -Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955) -Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1985) -Alfred Hitchcock Hour -Amazing Stories -Are You Afraid of The Dark? -Beasts -Beyond Belief -Climax -Danger -Darkroom -Dead Man's Gun -Fear Itself -Freddy's Nightmares -Ghost Story (1972) -Ghost Stories (1997) -Goosebumps -Great Ghost Tales -Hammer House of Horror -Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense -Hands of Murder -Inner Sanctum -Journey to the Unknown -Lee Martin's The Midnight Hour -Lights Out -Masters of Horror -Masters of Science Fiction -Monsters -Mystery! -Mystery and Imagination -Night Gallery -Night Visions -Nightmare Cafe -One Step Beyond -Out of the Unknown -Out There -Panic! -Perversions of Science -Prayer Beads -Ray Bradbury Theatre -R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour -Scene of the Crime -Science Fiction Theatre -Suspense -Suspicion -Tales of Tomorrow -Tales of the Unexpected -The Hitchhiker -The Hunger -The Nightmare Room -The Outer Limits (1963) -The Outer Limits (1995) -The Twilight Zone (1959) -The Twilight Zone (1985) -The Twilight Zone (2002) -The Veil -Thriller -Way Out
  14. WTF? What The Future (were they thinking)?'s icon

    WTF? What The Future (were they thinking)?

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. [b]If you're a fan of dystopian movies, then this is for you:[/b] This list is a compilation of all the movies (fiction or animated) that were made in the 20th century but are set in the 21st century and starting with a rule of 10 year gap after 1990, with the sole intent of analyzing the future (our current present) through those past movies. The list is now expanding to include early 21st century productions set in the future with the 90's rule applied. [b]Update:[/b] The list is meant to be updated every year but since it's also a dynamic list and more unknown, obscure movies can get discovered, it can be updated at any time and you can always help sending a PM with a proof of date of the movie in question you think it's missing. [b]Eligibility:[/b] The movie must be set mostly in a determinate future (10+ years after the date of the movie's release) and can't be just a short segment. In case of time traveling movies or movies that span several years, the main year(s) should be at least 33% of the movie's runtime and must be relevant to the plot and the setting. Must have had a theatrical release. [b]Not eligible:[/b] Documentaries, TV/Mini-Series, TV/Straight-to-DVD Movies, Experimental, Shorts. Retellings, paralell stories or continuations from TV/Mini-Series. Mere possibility, unclear or confusing timelines. [b]2001:[/b] 2001: A Space Odyssey, Journey To The Seventh Planet, Riki Oh: The Story Of Ricky, Tango 2001; [b]2002:[/b] [b]2003:[/b] [b]2004:[/b] Timecop; [b]2005:[/b] The Transformers: The Movie; [b]2006:[/b] Any Day Now (Vandaag of Morgen); [b]2007:[/b] Adrenaline: Fear The Rush, Double Dragon; [b]2008:[/b] Split Second; [b]2009:[/b] Freejack; [b]2010:[/b] 2010: The Year We Make Contact, Sleepwalker (La Sonambula), Cybernator; [b]2011:[/b] Bombshell, The Last Chase, Radioactive Dreams, A Time Of Roses (Ruusujen Aika); [b]2012:[/b] Mutant Action (Accion Mutante), The Baron (The Ultimate Warrior); [b]2013:[/b] Escape From L.A., The Postman; [b]2014:[/b] A Long Return (Largo Retorno), Moon Child; [b]2015:[/b] Firebird 2015 AD, The 6th Day, Back To The Future Part II, Spaceflight IC-1: An Adventure In Space, Post Impact; [b]2016:[/b] [b]2017:[/b] Barb Wire, Cherry 2000, Fortress; [b]2018:[/b] Rollerball, Future Fear; [b]2019:[/b] 2019: After The Fall Of New York (2019 - Dopo La Caduta Di New York), Akira, Blade Runner, Daybreakers, The Island, Warriors Of The Wasteland (I Nuovi Barbari), The Running Man, Heatseeker, Goodbye 20th Century (Zbogum Na Dvaesetiot Vek); [b]2020:[/b] 2020 Texas Gladiators (Anno 2020 - I Gladiatori Del Futuro), Cabaret Sin, Droid, Mission To Mars, Reign Of Fire, Stranded, Yesterday (Yeseuteodei), Battle Queen 2020 (BattleQueen 2020); [b]*[/b] [b]2021:[/b] It's All About Love, Johnny Mnemonic, Moon Zero Two, Resiklo, The Sisterhood; [b]2022:[/b] The Dark Side Of The Moon, 2022 Tsunami, Deham, No Escape, Soylent Green; [b]2023:[/b] Gemini Rising; [b]2024:[/b] Hack//The Movie (Dotto hakku: Sekai no mukou ni), Beyond the Time Barrier (The War of 1995), A Boy and His Dog, Highlander II: The Quickening; [b]2025:[/b] Chrysalis, Endgame - Bronx Lotta Finale, Her, Mountains May Depart, Pacific Rim, Repo Men, Ten Years, Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra City [b]*[/b] Beware that Droid is just a softcore recut of Cabaret Sin for general, non-porn audiences. [b]Sources:[/b]
  15. Paste Magazine: The 50 Best Movies of the Decade (2000-2009)'s icon

    Paste Magazine: The 50 Best Movies of the Decade (2000-2009)

    Favs/dislikes: 6:1. If comparing music from Gillian Welch and Outkast in our 50 Best Albums of the Decade is like apples and oranges, ranking films like Amélie, The Dark Knight and Mulholland Drive is more like apples, ice cream and foie gras. But despite the wild variety among our 50 Best Movies from 2000-2009, each is an exquisitely made, exceptionally satisfying piece of cinema that we believe will endure well after the decade has ended. There are masters like Martin Scorcese and Lars Von Trier, and relative newcomers like Fernando Meirelles and Anna Boden. There are documentaries, comedies and dramas, as well as animated films and even a super-hero flick. Mirroring a decade of globalism, the filmmakers are from the United States, New Zealand, Taiwan, Germany, Ireland, France, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Denmark, Romania, Thailand, Brazil, and nearly every part of the U.K. Let these be our recommendations for your Netflix queue. Personally, after reading the loving descriptions in these pages, I’ve already got films I missed the first time around—like Syndromes and a Century and Beau Travail—on the way. —Josh Jackson, Paste editor-in-chief
  16. The Ultimate 50 Horror Movies's icon

    The Ultimate 50 Horror Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 20:1. As voted for by followers of
  17. Sources of the Star Wars-trilogy's icon

    Sources of the Star Wars-trilogy

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. George Lucas was inspired by a lot whilst writing the story of Star Wars. He was influenced by books, mythology, religion, his personal life and of course movies. This list gives an overview of films and television series that have left their prints in this story.
  18. The Complete Arnold Schwarzenegger Filmography's icon

    The Complete Arnold Schwarzenegger Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 7:1. The Complete Arnold Schwarzenegger Filmography
  19. Tom Hardy Filmography's icon

    Tom Hardy Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 27:0.
  20. Empire's The Greatest Superhero Movies Of All Time's icon

    Empire's The Greatest Superhero Movies Of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 7:2. Empire readers pick their 30 top super flicks.
  21. Best Movie of 2012's icon

    Best Movie of 2012

    Favs/dislikes: 1:1. Personal List
  22. Europe in 25 films (Observer's critics' choice)'s icon

    Europe in 25 films (Observer's critics' choice)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. The must-see movies that have defined a century of European cinema, as chosen by the Observer’s film writers
  23. The 25 best L.A. films of the last 25 years (2008)'s icon

    The 25 best L.A. films of the last 25 years (2008)

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. The city has been a main character in many films of the last 25 years. Our film crew picks the best. It's a tough list to crash. (L.A. Times)
  24. UndeadCritic | Top 25 Horror Movies's icon

    UndeadCritic | Top 25 Horror Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 7:0. My personal favourite 25 horror movies. The lower portion of this list changes frequently.
  25. Jennifer Lawrence's Filmography's icon

    Jennifer Lawrence's Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 30:2. The entire Academy Awards winner actress' filmography. Oldest to newest. Does not include TV appearances.
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