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Film Comment's Best Unreleased Films of 2012
Favs/dislikes: 3:0. The following films have no IMDb entries: 9. The Extravagant Shadows (dir. David Gatten) 42. The War (dir. James Benning) -
100 Bollywood Films (BFI Screen Guide)
Favs/dislikes: 17:0. Bollywood film is the national cinema of India, describing movies made in Mumbai, distributed nationally across India and with their own production, distribution, and exhibition networks worldwide. This informative screen guide reflects the work of key directors, major stars, and important music directors and screenplay writers. Historically important films have been included along with certain cult movies and top box-office successes. -
Claire Denis Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 11:0. All the feature-length and short films directed by Claire Denis. -
Flicker Alley DVD Catalog
Favs/dislikes: 16:0. Flicker Alley is an American DVD company whose primary focus is on releasing films from the silent era, with an emphasis on works of very early cinema (almost half of these titles are by Georges Melies.) In the words of Flicker Alley itself: "Flicker Alley was born out of a passion for cinematic history and a desire to bring filmmakers and films from out of the past to new audiences and renewed recognition. The company was founded in 2002 by Jeffery Masino who drew on a lifelong enthusiasm and fascination with silent, classic, and independent cinema as well as on many years of experience in film and television production and post-production." Missing from IMDb: Thrills For You (1940) from "3-D Rarities" Bolex Stereo (1952) from "3-D Rarities" M.L. Gunzburg Presents Natural Vision 3-Dimension (1952) from "3-D Rarities" Rocky Marciano vs. Jersey Joe Walcott (1953) from "3-D Rarities" Doom Town (1953) from "3-D Rarities" I'll Sell My Shirt (1953) from "3-D Rarities" Our Southern Mountaineers (1918) from "We're in the Movies" Mountain Life (????) from "We're in the Movies" -
John Kobal Presents the Top 100 Movies
Favs/dislikes: 8:0. "[T]his list [was] compiled in a book called John Kobal Presents The Top 100 Movies, published in 1988. [Kobal] polled 81 international critics/filmmakers, the more famous of which include Nestor Almendros, Lindsay Anderson, Penelope Gilliatt, Leonard Maltin, Tony Rayns, Andrew Sarris, Susan Sontag, and Bertand Tavernier. Kobal used the typical point system where he solicited top 10 lists with #1 getting 10 points, and #10 getting 1, with films on unranked lists getting 5.5." -
Yasuzo Masumura Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 13:0. All the films and television episodes directed by Yasuzo Masumura. -
Pier Paolo Pasolini Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 31:0. All the feature-length and short films directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini. -
Jonathan Rosenbaum's 100 Favorite Films
Favs/dislikes: 55:0. The 100 favorite films of film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum. All of these appear on his extended top 1000, but for those looking for a more manageable list of his biggest recommendations, here it is. -
CFB's Greatest Films of Sub-Saharan Africa
Favs/dislikes: 7:1. The greatest films of sub-Saharan Africa cinema as selected by the members of IMDb's Classic Film Board. -
Rouben Mamoulian Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 6:0. All the films directed by Rouben Mamoulian. -
Jafar Panahi Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 6:0. All the feature-length and short films directed by Jafar Panahi. -
100 Films of Latin American Cinema
Favs/dislikes: 33:0. Film selections from the book "Tierra en trance: el cine latinoamericano en 100 películas," by Alberto Elena and Marina Díaz López (1999). Selections are ordered by country of origin and year of release. -
Kihachi Okamoto Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 6:0. All the films directed by Kihachi Okamoto. -
Hirokazu Koreeda Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 16:0. All the films directed by Hirokazu Koreeda. -
Masahiro Shinoda Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. All the films directed by Masahiro Shinoda. -
Jacques Demy Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 19:1. All the feature-length and short films directed by Jacques Demy. -
Jean Renoir Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 41:0. All the feature-length and short films directed by Jean Renoir. -
Abbas Kiarostami Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 39:0. All the feature-length and short films directed by Abbas Kiarostami. -
Mikio Naruse Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 23:0. All the films of the Japanese director Mikio Naruse. -
100 Classics of Russian and Eastern European Cinema
Favs/dislikes: 61:0. "An ongoing project to chronicle 100 key titles in the history of Russian and Eastern European cinema." From film critic Michael Brook's website: -
Venice Film Festival - Grand Jury Prize
Favs/dislikes: 21:0. "The Grand Jury Prize (aka the Silver Lion, formerly the Special Jury Prize) is an award given at the Venice Film Festival. It is considered the second place award next to the main award, the Golden Lion." -
Film Studies Association of Canada's Top 100 Films
Favs/dislikes: 8:0. I humbly submit my latest attempt at making a "100 Best Films" list. I understand why most intelligent film scholars reject list-making and canon formation altogether. I do it mainly because I'm appalled at all of the lists I see in print. The AFI Best 100 American Films is, of course, the worst of the well-known examples because it was a totally corrupt exercise at promoting Hollywood (Major) studio films that were already available on video. It did nothing to help preserve and distribute worthy and lesser-known titles. I also have problems in producing a list of only 100 films. The BFI idea of creating a repertory of 360 films for every (non-holi)day of the year is a great one, but unfortunately, theirs is much too heavily weighted towards Hollywood product -- over one third of the titles are American (139). My own film studies formation (at Concordia and NYU) led me to see more American and French films than any other, and most people would agree that in the historical development of film style, they are the two key nations. But the Hollywood dominance of "best films" lists has become unacceptable. (And, I am sure that if FSAC were to do a compilation of their own members' choices, we would see a similar trend.) My list reflects a choice of films which, for me, represents the development of "Film as Art" whatever that might mean. I regret the exclusion of animated films÷I considered including one or two titles, but in the end decided it was best for me to stay away from a field I know very little about. I didn't deliberately exclude "entertainment" -- approximately a quarter of my list could classify here -- but this was not a major consideration. Peter Rist Concordia University -
Greatest Films of Art and Spirituality
Favs/dislikes: 62:0. Cinema Seekers is a site dedicated to discussing spirituality in film. -
Norman McLaren Filmography
Favs/dislikes: 15:0. All the short films of the pioneering animator and film artist Norman McLaren. -
NDR's Top 100 German Films
Favs/dislikes: 22:0. The results of Norddeutscher Rundfunk's viewer poll to determine the 100 greatest German films.
Showing items 1 – 25 of 95