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Sleazoid Express: A Mind Twisting Tour Through the Grindhouse Cinema of Times Square
Favs/dislikes: 34:0. The following list is comprised of all films featured in the book Sleazoid Express. The book focuses on the Grindhouse theaters of Times Square and the exploitation films that were shown there. I've tried to only include films that were actually screened at a theater in Times Square during the time period depicted in the book. So films mentioned in passing as a reference point (The Godfather, Taxi Driver, etc.) were omitted since the intent of the list is to capture the sights and sounds of an era and not every film found in the index. -
Vinegar Syndrome
Favs/dislikes: 24:0. The following is a list of all films Vinegar Syndrome has released to video in some format (Blu-ray and/or DVD) to date. This includes all films released under the VSA, VSU and VSP banners. Also included are partner label releases actually produced and overseen by Vinegar Syndrome (Etiquette, Peekarama, Mélusine, Quality X, Distribpix, Cinématographe, Degausser) but does not include partner labels only distributed by OCN Distribution through Vinegar Syndrome's or Mélusine's websites (Pulse, Utopia, AGFA, Fun City, Command, etc.). Missing from IMDB: The Funky World of Adult Cartoons (1970s?) -
Michael Vaughn's The Ultimate Guide to Strange Cinema
Favs/dislikes: 17:0. From the back cover: "It isn’t every film that features man-eating zombie sushi. But for those searching for just that and more strange things in their viewing queue, this film guide is for you. Organized by genre, including comedy, horror, action, drama, fantasy, and sci-fi, this title offers 300 reviews of genre films from all over the world, 160+ photos, and exclusive interviews and quotes from the people behind some of the most offbeat films ever made." The book is split into the following sections: Section 1: Action/Adventure - #1-24 Section 2: Cars, Trucks & Choppers #24-38 Section 3: Comedy #39-87 Section 4: Crime/Thriller #88-110 Section 5: Drama #111-139 Section 6: Fantasy #140-156 Section 7: Horror #157-379* Section 8: Sci-Fi #380-393 *The Horror section of the book is further split up by country but isn't practical to call out each specific group in this description. -
Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror
Favs/dislikes: 13:0. The complete (and correct) list of all the films and television series that are featured in the 2021 documentary film Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror by Kier-La Janisse, based on the credits at the end of the film. Not on IMDB: *The Hungry Grass (1988) 5 min. short -
Jared Auner's WorldWeird Cinema
Favs/dislikes: 12:0. "The weirdest, the strangest, the oddest cinema from the farthest reaches of the globe. No Ozu, No Godard, No Antonioni, nothing so respectable. Only sleaze, horror, action, fantasy, whatever. The undefinable, the unnacceptable, the unreal." -
Something Weird Complete DVD Catalog
Favs/dislikes: 11:0. Something Weird is a company specializing in the release of exploitation films of all varieties. This list will seek to list all the full-length films released on DVD by Something Weird. I will be excluding the extensive DVD-Rs, digital downloads, bonus shorts and Bucky Beaver stag loops, etc. For the bonus shorts and Bucky Beaver stuff, this is primarily due to most of them being unlisted on iCM. *Note: Not all titles were sourced from due to the company's lack of a complete Catalog listing (They only list in print titles). Additional titles were sourced from Amazon and other online retailers. As a result, some titles may still be missing. -
Pete Tombs' Mondo Macabro: Weird & Wonderful Cinema Around the World
Favs/dislikes: 10:0. "Think you've seen it all? Then maybe you should try: *The Turkish version of Star Trek *Indonesian torture scenes in which the victim sniffs smelly shoes *The Curious Dr. Humpp or Bruce Lee Versus Gay Power *kung fu-fighting gorilla flicks from Southeast Asia *a song-and-dance version of Dracula from India Mondo Macabro features the same thorough(ly twisted) insights into cinema's most bizarre elements as were to be found in the author's book on European films, Immoral Tales. Lavishly illustrated and painstakingly researched, Mondo Macabro boldly goes into the exotic, erotic eclectic and essential international film scene...and the results are amazing." -From the back cover of the book The book is divided into the following sections: #001-030: Crazy Kung Fu!: Hong Kong Part One #031-071: China Blue: Hong Kong Part Two #072-139: Ghosts Galore: Hong Kong Part Three #140-195: Shoe Queen of Blood Island: The Philippines #196-218: Mystics From Bali: Indonesia #219-241: The Bare Facts About Bollywood: India Part One #242-283: From Myths To Monsters: India Part Two #284-351: Dracula In Instanbul: Turkey #352-378: The Strange World of Mr Marins: Brazil #379-431: "Meat on Meat!": Argentina #432-525: Masked Men and Monsters: Mexico #526-534: When the Kissing Had to Start: Japan Part One #535-602: Thinking Pink: Japan Part Two #602-666: Bloodthirsty Eyes: Japan Part Three Missing from IMDB: Meiwaku-Daibatsu (1989) -
Eurotrash Palace's 100 Eurotrash Movies to See Before You Die!
Favs/dislikes: 9:0. "Recently over at the Yahoo Group EuroTrash Palace the members took it upon themselves to compile a list of the '100 Eurotrash films to see before you die'. This was started as an exercise to create a quick listing of the movies beloved by fans of European Trash to hand to newbies that might point them toward the highs (and lows) that were possible. " -
Noirish: The Annex To John Grant's A Comprehensive Encyclopedia To Film Noir
Favs/dislikes: 9:0. "The purpose of Noirish is to act as an extension to the Encyclopedia -- an annex, if you like -- where I can add entries for movies that for one reason or another didn't make it into the printed book. In some instances, this is just because the movie concerned was released too late for inclusion. Most often, though, the reason was logistic. Although the Encyclopedia takes the broadest possible view of film noir, there were some movies that were either too obscure or too tangential to the theme to merit the use of precious page space: 800+ large-format pages -- nearly 700,000 words -- may seem a lot but, when you're trying to cover in excess of 3,000 movies, you soon learn to appreciate the constraints. That's why this enterprise has the title it has: Noirish. Many of the movies here are very borderline noir, and some aren't noir at all but have associational interest. Just because a movie's obscure doesn't mean it's lousy . . . although there'll be some lousy movies covered here. There'll also be plenty of movies that are, shall we say, undistinguished -- which is not to say they're without at least some points of interest, and certainly isn't to say they're not lots of fun to watch." -From John Grant on the site's "Modus Operandi" section *#641-687: Of Associated Interest - John Grant does not consider these films noir but has mentioned them due to similar themes, actors or influences. **The following are missing from IMDB: -The Twelve Shorts of Christmas #5: The Bloody Fish (2011) -Tango Silent Films: A Christmas Present for Hannah (2009), The Private Lesson (2010), Oh My, What a Night! (2011), Pornography (2012), One, Two, Three! (2012), Sadie’s Song (2011) -La Moglie (2007) -Peekaboo (2014) -
The Ultimate Book of Gangster Movies
Favs/dislikes: 9:0. The following list contains the 100 gangster movies discussed in the book The Ultimate Book of Gangster Movies by George Anastasia and Glen Macnow. -
I Was A Teenage Juvenile Delinquent Rock 'n' Roll Horror Beach Party
Favs/dislikes: 8:0. This list is culled from the filmographies at the end of each chapter of The I Was a Teenage Juvenile Delinquent Rock 'n' Roll Horror Beach Party Movie Book: A Complete Guide to the Teen Exploitation Film: 1954 - 1969. #1 - #73: I Was A Teenage Moneymaker '53 - '58 #64 - #124: The Lost Years '59 - '62 #125 - #164: Beach Blanket Boffo '63 - '66 #165 - #182: The Protest Trip '67 - '69 **Missing from IMDB: -Teen-age Menace (1954) -Runaway (1960) -
Porno Noir: A Curated List
Favs/dislikes: 8:0. What is it about noir and neo-noir infused with adult film elements that fascinates me so much? Honestly I have no idea. Regardless, I've sought to compile a list of all known films of the XXX variety that bake in elements of classic noir such as Dixie Ray Hollywood Star, gritty neo-noir like Sex Wish and even proto-noir pastiches like Gangland Bangers. This is almost certainly not a complete list but I'll try to keep it updated as I discover additional films that fall into this ludicrously specific sub-genre. -
Taste of Cinema: The 30 Best Non-English Horror Films of the Past 25 Years
Favs/dislikes: 8:0. Summary from the site: "Non-English language horror cinema has always been an important part of the genre film landscape but never more so than the past quarter-century. The American film industry may look at foreign horror films primarily as targets for remakes but non-English language horror is a vital part of a genre that would be severely if not fatally diminished in quality without it." -
The Bad Movie Bible
Favs/dislikes: 8:0. Based on the book by Rob Hill, it seeks to catalog the best of the worst films of all time. It's comprised of four sections: #1 - #25: Action #26 - #51: Sci-Fi/Fantasy #52 - #76: Horror #77 - #102: The Rest -
AV Club's The 25 Best Horror Movies Since 2000
Favs/dislikes: 7:0. From the intro of the article: "Sixteen contributors submitted ranked ballots of their favorite horror movies released in the United States since the year 2000, including a few that opened internationally before then. These are not the scariest films of our new millennium, but simply the greatest that happen to occupy the horror genre. As such, we tried to be fairly strict with the definition; films that feel like horror but wouldn’t necessarily be classified as such by IMDB or Netflix—like David Lynch’s two post-2000 magnum opuses, or Pan’s Labyrinth, or Requiem For A Dream—were excluded. (The only film that would have made the list had it not been deemed ineligible after ballots came in was Under The Skin—and even then, just barely.) Conversely, we felt little need to inclusively cater to the major horror trends of the period: Just as it’s possible to love ’80s horror without loving a single slasher movie, one can appreciate where the genre has gone these past 15 years without citing the Saw series, defending the endless string of modern Exorcist clones, or apologizing for the ongoing found-footage movement." -
Fragments of Fear: An Illustrated History of British Horror Films
Favs/dislikes: 7:0. "Fragments of Fear examines a wide range of British horror films and the stories behind them. The early melodramas of Tod Slaughter right through to Hammer and their rivals Tigon and Amicus, plus mavericks like Michael Reeves, sex/horror director Peter Walker and more recent talents such as Clive Barker, director of "Hellraiser", are all discussed. Films studied range in scope from the sadism of "Peeping Tom" to the mutant SF of "A Clockwork Orange" and the softcore porn/horror of Jose Larraz' "Vampyres". Lavishly illustrated throughout, author Andy Boot unravels a tangled history and discovers many little-known gems amid the more familiar images of Hammer, including a wealth of exploitational cinema. Fragments of Fear establishes the British horror movie as a genre which can easily stand up to its more lauded American counterpart in the depth and diversity of its scope." --From the back cover -
Psychedelic Celluloid: British Pop Music in Film and TV 1965-1974
Favs/dislikes: 7:0. Written by Simon Matthews. "After The Beatles stormed America, every Hollywood and European production company descended on London to be part of the new swinging scene... and they didn't leave until they'd signed up every able-bodied pop group or singer to appear in one of their films. A unique and carefully researched cultural history of UK film, TV and music in the swinging 60s. A time when no film or TV programme was without a group, singer or fantastic soundtrack - and London was briefly the film capital of the world. Containing individual summaries of over 120 films, covering everything from John Barry to Pink Floyd via Blow Up, the Electric Banana, Serge Gainsbourg, Magical Mystery Tour, David hemmings, Kubrick, Godard, Jodorowsdky and the London cast of Hair. With comprehensive listings of over 500 related features, documentaries, TV programmes and shorts, an unforgettable trip through the swinging 60s." This list includes every film actually profiled in the book as well as every film granted a capsule synopsis in the appendices. Missing from IMDB: The Lone Ranger (1968) starring Pete Townshend Maltamour (1973) documentary about Malta A Year in the Life (1968) documentary about The Mike Stuart Span -
Fangoria 300
Favs/dislikes: 6:0. "300 of the greatest fright films ever unleashed as chosen by Fango staff, friends and some of the highest-profile figures working within the genre, and around its pop-culture-soaked peripherals." Taken from Fangoria Issue #300, January 2011. -
Horrorpedia Worst Horror Films of All-Time
Favs/dislikes: 6:0. "The following is a work-in-progress – many more titles are being added – but is not intended to be damning; in fact some of these atrocious movies are our favourites and just because a film is ineptly made it doesn’t mean it isn’t still entertaining, or even bizarrely endearing. This listing of the Worst Horror Films of All-Time is not intended to mock or denigrate the efforts of earnest filmmakers, amateur wannabes or even opportunistic hacks. does not condone the supposedly amusing Golden Turkey, Razzie or riffing approach to mocking cult cinema, even when its clearly the lowest of the low. Smug comedic critics can easily deride the efforts of inept moviemakers as its easy pickings but that adds no value to a genuine awareness of the limitations of budgets, or the ambitions of would-be movie-makers, or the fact that some bad films are simply fun anyway." *Missing from IMDB: -Clown Around (2010) dir. Pete Scott -The Invisible Stalker (1998) dir. Gary Whitson -
CultMovieForum's The 100 Greatest Horror & Exploitation Films Ever
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. "Back in the summer of 2006 I started a poll aimed at finding the 100 Greatest Horror & Exploitation Films Ever. Votes were tabulated, I stalled,stalled some more then stalled a bit longer but finally here we are! I think you will agree this is a fantastic Top 100 representing horror and exploitation cinema in all its forms. Thanks once again to everyone who took time out to vote. " -
The Disregarded Movies of Turkish Cinema
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. "In its first years Turkish cinema has found its subjects from plays and novels and began to be affected by the works admired by the world over time. Especially the Turks imitating the West tried to re-produce the successful fantastical and sciencefictional movies achieved to draw attention of the target audience. However because of the lack of techniques and technicians, they are labeled as “bad” movies by the critics when compared to the contemporaries in the world. " Missing from IMDB: Kilink Canilere Karşı (1967) Süpermen Geliyor (1972) Sinderella Saraylar Meleği (1971) -
The Video Archives Podcast
Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Included in this list are all films featured on Quentin Tarantino's and Roger Avary's The Video Archives Podcast. -
Fandom's 13 Must-See Scary Anime Movies
Favs/dislikes: 4:0. "Halloween and blood go together like Jason Voorhees and Camp Crystal Lake. And while the aforementioned are pretty terrifying, the anime movies listed here will scare both the living daylights and nightlights out of you. Movies that stay with you after you’ve watched them are are a true hallmark of a great spooky anime. So, here are some anime movies that fans and non-fans alike should watch this Halloween." -
Flavo's Favorite Horror
Favs/dislikes: 4:1. My favorite horror movies -
FrightFest Guide: Monster Movies
Favs/dislikes: 4:0. "Monsters have been a part of human culture since we first gained the ability to tell stories. They represent everything from our deepest fears to our feelings of alienation and estrangement. From its beginnings, the cinema has provided a venue to visualize monsters in all their fearsome and sometimes strangely sympathetic glory. They have become some of the movies' most unforgettable, enduring and popular characters. And now the entire spectrum of screen creatures is gathered in one volume. In The Frightfest Guide to Monster Movies, celebrated writer, editor and critic Michael Gingold starts in the silent era and traces the history of the genre all the way through to the present day. From Universal Studios legends such as Frankenstein's Monster and the Mummy, to the big bugs, atomic mutants and space invaders that terrorized the '50s, to the kaiju of Japan and the ecological nightmares of the '70s and '80s, to the CG creatures and updated favourites of recent years ― they're all here. 200 of the greatest creature features from across the globe are reviewed, with fascinating facts and critical analysis, all illustrated with a ghoulish gallery of remarkable monstrous imagery. Cult-favourite filmmaker Frank Henenlotter, creator of some of the screen's most idiosyncratic and bizarre beings, contributes a foreword, A whole world and grisly galaxy of creatures great and small, spawned from space, the supernatural and strange science, the beginning of time, beneath the sea and beyond imagination, await in this book. Dare you confront the beasts within?"
Showing items 1 – 25 of 97