Mark Cousins' The Story of Film (Book)

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Created by BaalMan.

Favorited 11 times, disliked 0 times, added to 9 watchlists.

"Film critic, producer, and presenter Mark Cousins' history shows how filmmakers are influenced both by the historical events of their times, and by each other."

Based on 2004 release

Compared to TV Series, the book has more and rarier entries.

Missing films:
La mala pinata/The Evil Plan (Italy, 1912) - Mario Cesarini
La vista de la revuetla/View of the Uprising (Mexico 1911) - Francis Doublier

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  1. 676 new

    Rocco e i suoi fratelli

    1960 — a.k.a. Rocco and His Brothers, in 19 top lists Check
  2. 280 new

    Il gattopardo

    1963 — a.k.a. The Leopard, in 18 top lists Check
  3. 519 new

    Morte a Venezia

    1971 — a.k.a. Death in Venice, in 13 top lists Check
  4. 588 new


    1943, in 12 top lists Check
  5. 705 new


    1954, in 12 top lists Check
  6. 306 new

    La caduta degli dei (Götterdämmerung)

    1969 — a.k.a. The Damned, in 7 top lists Check
  7. 472 new


    1973, in 2 top lists Check
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Last updated on Nov 3, 2015;