The 50 Greatest Midnight Movies of All Time (Flavorwire)

The 50 Greatest Midnight Movies of All Time (Flavorwire)'s icon

Created by Darin.

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Midnight screenings inspire rabid devotees, because they invite fans to participate in communal antics (think Rocky Horror) and indulge that giddy feeling when experiencing something shocking or strange on an intimate scale. It’s a bonding experience that unites outsiders, offers a venue for discovery, and encourages audiences to let their hair down. Midnight showings can elevate a movie to cult status, but not all cult movies are midnight favorites. Here are 50 of the greatest midnight movies that have that certain je ne sais quoi — the ones we’d happily stay up all night to watch.
(By Alison Nastasi | January 14, 2015)

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Last updated on May 29, 2018 by Darin; source