ZHdK - Film History

ZHdK - Film History's icon

Created by VVKT.

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This list is given to Film Students of the Zurich University of the Arts. For the Film-History exam, each student has to prepare one film of their choice for each Sub-Category


1) Beginning of Cinema (1-10) (Every movie of this category has to be seen)

2) Silent Films and Beginning of Sound (11 - 42)

- American Silent Films (11-18)
- European SIlent FIlms (19-30)
- Soviet Films of the Revolution (31-35)
- Beginning of Sound (36-42)

3) Hollywood I - American Genre Cinema / Classic Narration (43-83)

- Western (43-45)
- Biopic (46-49)
- Romance/Melodrama (50-52)
- Crime/Gangster (53-55)
- Film Noir (56-60)
- Comedy (61-65)
- Musical (66-69)
- Horror (70-73)
- Epic (74-76)
- Authors in the Studio System (77-83)

4) European Cinema I - Early Realism in the European Cinema (84-105)

- Social Realism in Germany (84-89)
- Poetic Realism in France (90-97)
- Neorealism in Italy (98-105)

5) European Cinema II - Author Film, New types of Film Narration (106-140)

- Sweden (106-109)
- Italy (110-118)
- France (119-128)
- Great Britain (129-133)
- Federal Republic of Germany (134-140)

6) Hollywood II - Restoration (141-164)

- New Hollywood (141-152)
- High-Concept Film/ Blockbuster Cinema (153-164)

7) The East-European and Soviet Films during the Cold War (165-180)

- USSR (165-168)
- Poland (169-171)
- Czech Republic (172-176)
- DDR (177-180)

8) Cinema in Africa, Asia and Latin America (181-202)

- Africa (181-186)
- Latin America (187-194)
- Asia (195-202)

9) International Documentaries (203-237)

10) Avant-Garde Cinema / Experimental (238-255)

11) Film and Gender (Women's Film / Experimental Feminist Film / Queer FIlm) (256-271)

12) Postmodern Positions in FIlm (272-287)

13) Swiss Films (288-324)

- Fiction (288-305)
- Documentary (306-324)

14) Cinema in the 21st Century (325-393)

- Mainstream (325-339)
- Arthouse (340-363)
- International Documentaries of the 21st Century (364-373
- Swiss Fiction Films of the 21st Century (374-383)
- Swiss Documentaries of the 21st Century (384-393)

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  1. 1 new

    La sortie de l'usine Lumière à Lyon

    1895 — a.k.a. Leaving the Factory, in 10 top lists Check
  2. 2 new

    L'arrivée d'un train à La Ciotat

    1896 — a.k.a. The Arrival of a Train, in 14 top lists Check
  3. 3 new

    L'arroseur arrosé

    1895 — a.k.a. The Waterer Watered, in 6 top lists Check
  4. 4 new

    The Kiss in the Tunnel

    1899, in 1 top list Check
  5. 5 new

    Grandma's Reading Glass

    1900, in 1 top list Check
  6. 6 new

    Let Me Dream Again

    1900, in 1 top list Check
  7. 7 new

    The Big Swallow

    1901 — a.k.a. A Photographic Contortion, in 2 top lists Check
  8. 8 new

    Le voyage dans la lune

    1902 — a.k.a. A Trip to the Moon, in 14 top lists Check
  9. 9 new

    Life of an American Fireman

    1903, in 4 top lists Check
  10. 10 new

    The Great Train Robbery

    1903, in 11 top lists Check
  11. 11 new

    The Birth of a Nation

    1915, in 21 top lists Check
  12. 12 new

    Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages

    1916, in 24 top lists Check
  13. 13 new

    The Kid

    1921, in 17 top lists Check
  14. 14 new

    The Gold Rush

    1925, in 29 top lists Check
  15. 15 new


    1924, in 21 top lists Check
  16. 16 new

    The General

    1926, in 33 top lists Check
  17. 17 new

    Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans

    1927 — a.k.a. Sunrise, in 36 top lists Check
  18. 18 new

    The Crowd

    1928, in 20 top lists Check
  19. 19 new


    1910 — a.k.a. The Woman Always Pays, in 3 top lists Check
  20. 20 new


    1914, in 12 top lists Check
  21. 21 new

    Herr Arnes pengar

    1919 — a.k.a. Sir Arne's Treasure, in 7 top lists Check
  22. 22 new

    Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari

    1920 — a.k.a. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, in 30 top lists Check
  23. 23 new


    1921 — a.k.a. The Phantom Carriage, in 16 top lists Check
  24. 24 new

    Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens

    1922 — a.k.a. Nosferatu, in 28 top lists Check
  25. 25 new

    Der letzte Mann

    1924 — a.k.a. The Last Laugh, in 17 top lists Check
  26. 26 new


    1927, in 36 top lists Check
  27. 27 new

    Geheimnisse einer Seele

    1926 — a.k.a. Secrets of a Soul, in 2 top lists Check
  28. 28 new

    Napoléon vu par Abel Gance

    1927 — a.k.a. Napoleon, in 24 top lists Check
  29. 29 new

    Die Büchse der Pandora

    1929 — a.k.a. Pandora's Box, in 18 top lists Check
  30. 30 new

    La passion de Jeanne d'Arc

    1928 — a.k.a. The Passion of Joan of Arc, in 27 top lists Check
  31. 31 new

    Bronenosets Potyomkin

    1925 — a.k.a. Battleship Potemkin, in 27 top lists Check
  32. 32 new


    1926 — a.k.a. Mother, in 8 top lists Check
  33. 33 new

    Ten Days That Shook the World

    1967, in 0 top lists Check
  34. 34 new

    Potomok Chingis-Khana

    1928 — a.k.a. Storm Over Asia, in 8 top lists Check
  35. 35 new


    1930 — a.k.a. Earth, in 16 top lists Check
  36. 36 new

    The Jazz Singer

    1927, in 6 top lists Check
  37. 37 new


    1929, in 7 top lists Check
  38. 38 new

    Der blaue Engel

    1930 — a.k.a. The Blue Angel, in 17 top lists Check
  39. 39 new

    Sous les toits de Paris

    1930 — a.k.a. Under the Roofs of Paris, in 5 top lists Check
  40. 40 new

    M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder

    1931 — a.k.a. M, in 35 top lists Check
  41. 41 new


    1932, in 18 top lists Check
  42. 42 new

    Entuziazm (Simfoniya Donbassa)

    1930 — a.k.a. Enthusiasm, in 7 top lists Check
  43. 43 new


    1939, in 21 top lists Check
  44. 44 new

    High Noon

    1952, in 18 top lists Check
  45. 45 new

    The Searchers

    1956, in 26 top lists Check
  46. 46 new

    Queen Christina

    1933, in 3 top lists Check
  47. 47 new

    Young Mr. Lincoln

    1939, in 8 top lists Check
  48. 48 new

    Lust for Life

    1956, in 3 top lists Check
  49. 49 new


    1962, in 0 top lists Check
  50. 50 new

    Gone with the Wind

    1939, in 31 top lists Check