Order by:


  1. 2
    KNF Dutch Film of the Year 2011's icon

    KNF Dutch Film of the Year 2011

    Ranking #2
  2. 10
    Nederlands Film Festival - Kristallen Film's icon

    Nederlands Film Festival - Kristallen Film

    Ranking #10
  3. 24
    IDFA Award for Best Feature-Length Documentary's icon

    IDFA Award for Best Feature-Length Documentary

    Ranking #24
  4. 34
    Ga je Schamen! - Improving my acquaintance with Dutch film's icon

    Ga je Schamen! - Improving my acquaintance with Dutch film

    Ranking #34
  5. 35
    Cinema Eye Honors 2012: The Nominations (Documentary and Nonfiction Film)'s icon

    Cinema Eye Honors 2012: The Nominations (Documentary and Nonfiction Film)

    Ranking #35
  6. 63
    Filmacademie 2016–2017's icon

    Filmacademie 2016–2017

    Ranking #63
  7. 85
    New Zealand International Film Festival 2011's icon

    New Zealand International Film Festival 2011

    Ranking #85
  8. 131
    Benelux-films on an official list's icon

    Benelux-films on an official list

    Ranking #131
  9. 231
    Sight & Sound's The Greatest Documentaries of All Time's icon

    Sight & Sound's The Greatest Documentaries of All Time

    Ranking #231
  10. 397
    Available online with English subtitles: The Netherlands's icon

    Available online with English subtitles: The Netherlands

    Ranking #397
  11. 774
    LWLies Recommends*'s icon

    LWLies Recommends*

    Ranking #774
  12. 956
    21st century films on ICM official lists's icon

    21st century films on ICM official lists

    Ranking #956
  13. 1206
    2010s Official's icon

    2010s Official

    Ranking #1206
  14. 2452
    FB iCM Official Lists catch-up's icon

    FB iCM Official Lists catch-up

    Ranking #2452
  15. 2498
    Film Fanatic Book Two (M-Sk)'s icon

    Film Fanatic Book Two (M-Sk)

    Ranking #2498
  16. 2581
    Films on 1 official list Part 1/3's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part 1/3

    Ranking #2581
  17. 2968
    Films on 1 official list Part2's icon

    Films on 1 official list Part2

    Ranking #2968
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.