Pssst, want to check out Unforgiven in our new look?
- Year
- 1992
- Runtime
- 130 min.
- Director
- Clint Eastwood
- Genres
- Drama, Western
- Rating *
- 8.2
- Votes *
- 294,715
- Checks
- 35,431
- Favs
- 2,871
- Dislikes
- 171
- Favs/checks
- 8.1% (1:12)
- Favs/dislikes
- 17:1
Top comments
i think Eastwood is redeeming himself for all the unrealistic, violence glorifying western movies he did in his past, showing us there is nothing sensational about drunk rednecks pulling guns at each other 11 years 8 months ago -
Unforgiven is Clint Eastwood's justly celebrated anti-western masterpiece, exposing what lies beneath the romance of the West and showing its true face. It's an incredible, and thematically consistent piece of writing, and well executed by Eastwood, filled with memorable scenes and dialog. There have been many films meant to be the "last western", several from Sam Pekinpah, but while they showed the cowboy as an obsolete relic in a world that doesn't want him - which Unforgiven does too, using Eastwood's western persona to good effect - Unforgiven takes place not at the end of an era, but in the middle of it. What it does is take every western ever made and takes the glamor out of it. It's a massive, dark retcon. (It was written in the late 80s and made in the early 90s, what can I say?) Hell of a thing, killin' a man... 9 years 6 months ago
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In 24 official lists
This movie ranks #4 in IMDb's Western Top 50
IMDb's Western Top 50
4 -
This movie ranks #22 in A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese
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22 -
This movie ranks #28 in IMDb's 1990s Top 50
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This movie ranks #66 in Academy Award - Best Picture
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This movie ranks #68 in AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies
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68 -
This movie ranks #87 in ASC's 100 Milestone Films in Cinematography of the 20th Century
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87 -
This movie ranks #89 in iCheckMovies's 1990s Top 100
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This movie ranks #91 in BFI's 100 Westerns
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91 -
This movie ranks #126 in Halliwell's Top 1000: The Ultimate Movie Countdown
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This movie ranks #149 in IMDb's Top 250
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This movie ranks #163 in Roger Ebert's Great Movies
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This movie ranks #388 in Academy Award - Best Picture Nominees
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This movie ranks #935 in David Thomson's Have You Seen?
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This movie ranks #937 in The New York Times's Book of Movies
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